there was no need to worry about the embarrassment of having exhausted pockets. I just ate whatever I wanted, tasted delicacies from various countries, and bought whatever I liked. It was very enjoyable and comfortable.


there was no need to worry about the embarrassment of having exhausted pockets. I just ate whatever I wanted, tasted delicacies from various countries, and bought whatever I liked. It was very enjoyable and comfortable.
When I first went out, because there were Wang Bo’s god sister was here, and Zheng Yan was too embarrassed to get too close to her boyfriend. She always held Zeng Ping’s arm until Wang Bo suddenly got in between the two of them, and then pulled them both left and right. Only then did Zheng Yan let go of the woman’s hand, and began to hold her boyfriend’s arm, holding hands with her boyfriend openly, doing things she wanted to do in China but couldn’t.
As for Wang Bo holding his god-sister’s hand, she didn’t care much and didn’t think about it in other ways. She has always known that the two siblings have a deep relationship. After learning about Zeng Ping’s life experience from Wang Bo, she also sympathized with and admired Zeng Ping, a “little sister” who was younger than her.
During the seven or eight days of travel, it was not just the three of them wandering around. When the two sisters were free, they would also join in and lead the three of them to some interesting small places that only locals in Xiangjiang know, and taste them. Some delicacies that only people in Xiangjiang know, according to Cai Yan and Zhong Tong, are called landlords’ friendship.
When the weekend came, Li Kai called and invited Wang Bo to go to sea and take his own cruise ship to spend the weekend on the sea. Wang Bo had never experienced this kind of thing that only the rich could afford, so he went there happily.
During this trip, Li Kai did not invite anyone else. Apart from the necessary staff, he only brought his judge girlfriend Susan. It was considered a private gathering.
/Of course, from Wang Bo’s perspective, it can also be seen that Li Kai wasted a weekend and arranged an offshore trip specifically to entertain him, which moved him somewhat.
However, when I think about the listing of Tongxun next week, the more than 10% of Tongxun shares held by the other party will immediately increase in value six to seven times. If the lifting period of several months passes, the other party can resist the urge to reduce its holdings and cash out. After holding it for more than ten years, Little Superman was able to “surpass” his father, Old Superman’s lifelong struggle, in one fell swoop with just the shares of Paixun in his hand. Wang Bo soon felt at ease, feeling that all this was natural, and he had nothing to do with it. The benefits it brought to that guy were nothing compared to them.
However, it is as difficult to get the original shareholders of a listed company to resist the urge to reduce their holdings and cash out as it is to get a guy who is having a good time with a woman to pull out his penis.
In fact, Ma Tong and Zhang Dong, the major shareholders of Tongxun, have reduced their holdings and cashed out and sold Tongxun’s shares several times in the history of Tongxun’s development, because no o

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