the infinite motivation for the blind man to persevere.


the infinite motivation for the blind man to persevere.
Three updates today, ten thousand words! This chapter has 6,000 words in two, please, please recommend, please!
/The dance practice in the afternoon was basically a replica of last night, with Wang Bo as the coach, personally demonstrating and guiding everyone’s hip-hop moves. With yesterday’s warm-up, when Wang Bo gave “hand-in-hand” guidance again in the afternoon, the girls no longer felt unaccustomed and shy like yesterday. The two naughty guys Han Lin and Xu Jing even took the initiative to let Wang Bo open a small stove for them, demonstrated alone, and explained in detail some difficult movements. Wang Bo grabbed his hand, supported his waist, and turned around, enjoying it endlessly. Watch The other boys were itchy and jealous.
Several boys were jealous, but Li Junfeng was red-eyed, gnashing his teeth, and extremely resentful! Yesterday, the target of his anger was only Wang Bo; today, even Sun Li, who was deeply in love with her, also “held a grudge”. He hated Sun Li’s casualness, her indiscretion, her lack of reserve and lack of self-respect. In addition to wanting to rush up and beat up Wang Bo for blaspheming his goddess, he also wanted to roar at Sun Li: ”
Can you fuck me?” Be more self-respecting? This little bitch is taking advantage of you, can’t you see it? ?
However, when Sun Li, the goddess he had been secretly in love with for a year, was given personal guidance by Wang Bo, not only did she not have the slightest bit of unpleasantness on her face, but she also had a warm smile on her face, and she was making gestures with enthusiasm and enthusiasm. He actively discussed the techniques and know-how with Wang Bo. One of them was willing to fight and the other was willing to suffer. What position and excuse did he have to stop him?
Li Junfeng began to regret that he had agreed to Sun Li’s performance without hesitation.
Ten people practiced from two o’clock to five o’clock. Considering that no one had any evening self-study during this period, there were too many courses in each subject, and a lot of homework accumulated. After discussing with Sun Li, Wang Bo canceled the evening homework. If I want to continue to practice more, I will go to school to study in the evening and complete my homework on Sunday.
Before the group dispersed, Sun Li came up and asked Wang Bo how he was preparing to play and sing. If he had chosen a song, he would play it for everyone so that they could enjoy it in advance. Wang Bo’s initial plan was to hold the guitar and play and sing by himself, or just play alone, but later, considering the level of amplifier equipment and sound systems in this era, he used the acoustic guitar to accompany or solo in front of a large venue with thousands of people. , the effect will definitely be greatly reduced. Wang Bo is essentially a perfectionist. He doesn’t do anything, but he must do it to perfection.
“Haha, I haven’t made my choice yet. Don’t worry. After I make my choice, I will definitely let you,

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