is no shortage of big fish in this year’s free agent market.


is no shortage of big fish in this year’s free agent market.
The biggest card is naturally Sun Hao.
The whole world knows that Sun Hao signed a one-year contract with the Warriors last season.
Moreover, Sun Hao did not say in public that he would definitely stay with the Warriors.
Before the goddess tells you personally that she has a boyfriend, it is inappropriate for you not to have sexual intercourse with her.
It can be expected that when the free market officially opens, Sun Hao’s villa in Oakland will become another Boston North Shore Garden Arena.
Kobe’s contract is still the sign-and-trade contract he signed when he traded with Sun Hao.
The contract has a free agent option this summer.
Just before the player’s free market opened, Kobe had announced that he was opting out of his contract.
This means that he is also a completely free agent and can sign with any team.
All the Clippers have is a more lucrative contract with the Bird clause.
Of course, after leading the Clippers to their first championship in team history, and boasting at the championship parade that he would bring more championships to the Clippers and Los Angeles, most people believe that Kobe has no reason to leave the Clippers.
Kobe’s move out of his contract should be just to get a new big contract.
Then there is another big fish who has not yet decided to opt out of his contract, but can also cause a shock in the market, Yao Ming.
/Yao Ming’s contract situation was already very clear when he and Sun Hao played in the Olympics last year.
If he chooses to opt out of his contract, this year’s free market will really be a bust.
In addition to these three, there are still many fat fish in this year’s free market.
Boozer, Odom, Turkoglu, Ben Gordon, Kidd, Marion, Rasheed Wallace,
and David who did not get a contract extension in the 2005 class, but performed well in the contract year ·Lee, Villanueva, Brandon Bass, etc.
This will make the free market lively for a while.
Before the free market opened, Sun Hao took Scarlett and Little Beijing to Hawaii, and his commonly used mobile phones were also turned off.
His previous experience in the draft made him realize that he would definitely not be able to stop this summer.
So instead of being harassed non-stop, he simply ran away to avoid the limelight and came back when the free market was almost settled.
After all, although he has not said anything about his choice to stay with the Warriors in public, in fact, after going through a series of events, it is already settled that he will stay.
He only kept a spare mobile phone next to him. Only Gu Yi knew this mobile phone number, not even Fu Paul.
The reason even Rich Paul doesn’t know is that he is now not only Sun Hao’s agent, but also James’s.
/This day was also the day before the free market officially opened. Many people who wanted to visit Sun Hao came up empty-handed.
However, Sun Hao’s phone still rang.
It was Gu Yi who called.
Sun Hao had told Gu Yi before not to fight if it was not a very

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