immortals around the ascension platform seemed to feel the trembling of the laws of heaven and earth in the depths of the sky. It was as if the will of heaven was born. Even if that gaze had not looked at everyone, everyone was still frightened.


Zhang Jian also felt a terrifying coercion in the crowd, and even his own status as a Shinto emperor could not help but freeze.
But deep in the void, a calm and majestic voice sounded:
“The Emperor of Heaven decrees: Today there is a disciple of Tongshan who grew up in the wilderness, became enlightened and ignorant, received the blessings of heaven and earth, the divine soul of the sun and moon, his merits are clear, his destiny is like a rainbow, and he has been confused by the common people. Now, he is called me Ziqing I am a spiritual official and have promised to ascend to the Heavenly Palace immediately!”
The fairy voice is faint, and the way of heaven is clear!
As the sound of rising and falling fell, a nine-color talisman edict was condensed and formed from the void.
The moment it emerged, many real souls and even immortals below felt their own souls shaking violently.
Their eyes couldn’t help but look at this talisman, with a strong look of desire flashing in their eyes.
But in the vast rays of light, it was like a hole in the sky filled with clouds, and a nine-color stream of light fell from the sky, turning into rays of light and covering the whole body of Jueming Taoist.
In the nine-color ray of light, I saw Taoist Jue Ming’s energy flowing around his body, and the strong fairy light burst out, and the majestic atmosphere was like shaking the heaven and the earth.
Immortal light is like invisible ripples, rushing out from the depths of Tongshan Paradise.
After receiving this heavenly palace talisman, countless spiritual ideas surged around Jueming Taoist’s body, and his figure involuntarily flew towards the void, while at the same time he let out a faint laugh.
“Everyone, see you in heaven!”
“Congratulations to Master for ascending to Heaven!”
“Congratulations to the Great Spiritual Officer of Fortune!”
Under the ascension platform, many Tongshan Taoist disciples kowtowed together under the leadership of Taoist Fuyou.
The sound resounded throughout the sacred mountain.
Many guests watching the ceremony couldn’t help but change their faces when they saw this scene.
/“Ziqingbu Fu Lingguan?”
Among the crowd, Zhang Jian wondered. Ziqing usually refers to nobility and fortune.
This is easy to understand. After the Taoist Jueming ascends, he should be given the noble official position of being in charge of human fortune and longevity.
Such an official position can be regarded as a fat job.
If used properly, you can accumulate merit and good fortune, which is very beneficial to the cultivation of Taoism and the accumulation of blessings.
This is definitely much nobler than those military positions that involve fighting and killing.
Not only is the military profession dangerous, it is also easy to become cannon fodder and be contaminated with evil

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