86: Secret skill, give it a try


The best counterattack at this time is for Yipintang to send out a strong master to counter Xiao Feng.
No one expects him to be the straw that breaks the camel’s back, but as long as the top masters of Yipintang such as Duan Yanqing and others are on the field, they can at least greatly consume Xiao Feng’s true energy.
However, Helian Tieshu’s expectant eyes moved to Duan Yanqing. This unruly madman known as “full of evil” turned his head slightly in embarrassment, pretending not to see him at all.
/Helian Tieshu’s eyes moved to Murong Fu. Murong Fu also looked down at his hands decisively, as if he felt a strange admiration for his palms in an instant.
The head of a trapped beast is hard to block.
What’s more, what’s trapped in the field is not a giant beast, but a violent and ferocious ancient dragon.
The earth-yellow Shen Xiong aura in the Beiyue Dragon Slaying Valley, which has a diameter of hundreds of miles, is unparalleled. It ripples from time to time. Circles spread outwards with Xiao Feng as the center. Touched by these ripples of energy, The cultivators with weaker foundations would have their bodies exploded directly, and even the cultivators with strong foundations would often vomit blood and retreat. It was really terrifying.
No one here dared to question the strength of that man, so the more he was dying, the more violent he became. No one would question how many people he could drag away before he died.
“Forget it, let me go. It will probably be difficult to win, but it will more or less consume his energy.”
Smiling softly, he tightened his grip on the ancient pine-patterned sword. Zhu Peng had never doubted Xiao Feng’s strength, but he really had a reason not to go.
“Mr. Peng, I didn’t do anything, so why would you risk it yourself?”
The care shown by Helian Tieshu made Zhu Peng look calm on the surface, but secretly his chrysanthemums tightened.
It wasn’t that he was jealous, but that the care and closeness Helian Tieshu had shown towards him so far actually went beyond the scope of wooing him.
Zhu Peng knew that for some old perverts, as long as they were beautiful, whether they were male or female, it didn’t matter at all.
The slogan shouted by this group of perverts is: “With love, there is everything.”
Thinking of this, even a calm person like Zhu Peng couldn’t help but stiffen his face slightly. He has been in the upper-class power class with dirty communication for many years, and he is actually quite unscrupulous about sexual matters. Even Zhu Sansan has been doing this for many years during the Earth Star Period. Zhu Peng could tolerate thinking about his wife’s perversion, and even found it more interesting.
But his state of mind was not so enlightened as to say: “The physical body is nothing more than a mere skin.”
In short, he is good at poking others, and others are seeking death if they miss him.
No matter from which aspect, it was impossible for Zhu Peng to accept Hebian Tieshu’s sincere offer to stay. After speaking to Duan Yanqing, th

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