ne light flowing through it.


Suihuang Ancestor God looked at this list and smiled.
“This is the Golden List of Heavenly Dao. It is made by the gods of the Three Emperors and Heaven Realm and imitated the precious treasures of Heaven. It can also be canonized and restrain the gods, and it can also be used to balance the origin of Heavenly Dao. It can be said to be a powerful weapon of the Divine Dao. There are some mysteries in it that I need you to Find out on your own!”
Zhang Jian’s eyes passed by, and there were some changes in the depths of his eyes.
This is the second acquired spiritual treasure he has obtained.
And it is a rare Shinto acquired spiritual treasure.
He was naturally interested in refining and exploring this thing.
Next to Jinse, Daojun Qianhuang’s eyes also fell on the golden golden list of heaven. Feeling the restraint of the magnificent golden light of heaven on his Taoist soul, his face changed slightly and he quickly moved his eyes away.
Zhang Jian put away the Qiankun magic weapon, and then saw Daojun Jinse take out a list and give it to Zhang Jian again.
Zhang Jian’s eyes glanced slightly, and he suddenly smiled.
This is a list, part of the canonized list of immortal gods, which includes some immortal palace gods, as well as the Zhang family immortal gods, including the corresponding immortal positions.
They each received a part of the Three Emperors Heavenly Holy Court, or the canonization of the Central Heavenly Court.
This looks complicated.
In fact, there is no contradiction.
Although the Three Emperors Heaven Realm is a neutral force, the Three Emperors Heaven Realm and many major forces in the sky, plus the Six Emperors Heavenly Emperor, together form the behemoth of Heavenly Court.
The Holy Court of the Three Emperors and the Immortal Palace are also one of the Shinto forces born in the void of the heavens. They are recognized by the Heavenly Court and are allowed to recruit immortals on their own.
It’s just that their administrative level is lower than that of Heaven, which can be regarded as a high degree of autonomy.
In fact, the Holy Court of the Three Emperors Heavenly Realm is a powerful force of a single clan, and they basically do not obey the orders of the Heavenly Court.
It seems to have become a country of its own.
Zhang Jian’s previous negotiations with the Three Emperors and the Heavenly Court were actually negotiations with two super powerful forces within the Heavenly Court, but one of them represented the human race and the other represented the powerful Shinto force in the Heavenly Court.
/In fact, it was the Great Heavenly Lord who came forward.
But for some reason, the Great Heavenly Lord is not very interested in the Immortal Court Heaven Realm?
Zhang Jian was a little confused deep in his heart.
According to the relationship between him and the Great Heavenly Lord, the Great Heavenly Lord should not be so cold!
Is it to avoid suspicion?
/After confirming the list in front of him, Zhang Jian confirmed with Suihuang Ancestor God that the contr

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