hat the immortals have said!”


“The sect master is so complimentary!”
In the fairy city flower garden, Zhang Jian stood up with a smile.
“The name of the Chunyang Immortal Sect has moved all realms, and the name of the sect master is like the scorching sun in the heavens. I have heard about it for a long time, but after seeing you recently, I have heard it even more!”
/The two of them had a routine of ‘business exchanges’, which could be regarded as a meeting.
At this time, Zhang Jian also introduced the female immortals around him to the immortals.
“This is Fellow Daoist Wang, Fellow Daoist Wang is the Baihua Fairy of Yaochi, coming to the mortal world!”
“I wonder which immortal is so radiant? It turns out that he is the Lord of Flowers who descended to earth. All the immortals like us have admired his name for a long time!”
Taoist Yuanyang suddenly became serious when he heard this.
It can be seen that in his eyes, Baihua Fairy, the Lord of Flowers, is more important than Zhang Jian.
The leader of the female fairies under the command of Our Lady of Yaochi.
Although Baihua Fairy has not yet become a Taoist Lord, she can speak well in front of Our Lady of Yaochi. This status will not be lower than that of other Taoist Lords.
The immortals of the Chunyang Immortal Sect will eventually ascend to the Heavenly Palace, especially the many female immortals, who may fall into the Immortal Palace of the Lord of Hundred Flowers, so how can they neglect it.
Fairy Baihua’s eyes were like stars, and she said with a smile deep in her starry eyes.
“Fellow Taoist Yuanyang, I heard that your Chunyang Immortal Sect has twelve realms and one hundred and eight sceneries. You must fulfill the friendship of the landlord!”
Taoist Yuanyang said immediately.
“I can’t neglect these two fellow Taoists!”
He smiled.
He did not address the two of them by their honorific titles, or by addressing them as immortals, emperors, or gods.
Although he has not ascended to the heaven, he still has an immortal position, but he does not have real power in the heaven.
On the other hand, Daoxing has reached Taiyi Zhenshu, and he is in charge of a part of the origin of heaven and earth in Donghua Realm. Although he is not the supreme of heaven and earth, he still occupies a deputy position. He thinks that Daoxing is not weak anymore, so he should not be called by the honorific title, so as not to weaken Chunyang. The name of the Immortal Sect.
But there was still a hint of suspicion when his eyes glanced at Zhang Jian’s figure, and he couldn’t clearly see Zhang Jian’s behavior.
From this, it was certain that the Lingyuan Emperor of the Sanyuan Lingguan Palace might be far superior to him, which made his expression move slightly.
“The blessing of Huoyundongtian is really so great”
Such thoughts flashed through Taoist Yuanyang’s mind.
He could be regarded as witnessing Zhang Jian’s enlightenment with his own eyes.
Because an incompetent daughter was reincarnated into the Zhoushan Realm, he has always paid close attention to the Zhoushan R

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