seems that the hidden power of the Zhang family is beyond our imagination. I’m afraid something is not going well!”


Gu stood up, but immediately realized the danger.
She was not sure whether the Zhang family had sensed Yang Qing’s hostility. If the plan was leaked, the Yang family would be in great danger.
“Sir, can the five heroes of the Northland still be contacted? Tell them to stop immediately!”
Although Gu is vicious, he is by no means a brainless person, otherwise it would be impossible to control Yang Qing.
Yang Qing looked gloomy, shook his head and said: “Those five people have their own way, which is not under our control. They can’t trust us either. I’m afraid it will be difficult to find their traces!”
Yang Qing took a deep breath.
The sword has been handed out, but it is not so easy to take it back.
Mrs. Gu glared at Yang Qing fiercely and scolded: “Every time I ask you to discuss more with me, you always show off, otherwise how could you be in this dilemma today?!”
Yang Qing seemed to be accustomed to such scolding, and said with a smile: “Madam, for the current plan, I can only ask Lao Taishan for help.”
Mrs. Gu looked solemn and sighed:
“The Gu family now has to face the oppression of the Yu family in the county. The Yu family wants to suppress all the families in the county and is sitting on the throne. How can my father have the energy to help you!”
She held the scroll in her hand, thought for a moment and then said:
“Xiu’er is a disciple of the Shangyuan Sect after all. Now I will compile a copy of the book and send it to the Shangyuan Sect immediately, asking Wang Yuanlang to come forward. Duanmuyan and Xiu’er are both disciples of the Shangyuan Sect. They fell into the hands of the Zhang family. It would be more appropriate for Yuan Pai to come forward, and I will also write to father, maybe this is an opportunity to help you eradicate the Zhang family!”
“Hmph, a small local wealthy family dares to detain a member of my Gu family!”
“In addition, if you do more research, it’s best to find out how Xiu’er and the others fell into the hands of the Zhang family. They are all masters in the Yangyuan stage, and they are trained by famous teachers. It’s not because they have no experience. How can they be trapped in an easy place? ?”
Gu’s expression showed some doubts.
The Zhang family is just a local wealthy family. To say the least, it is better than ordinary local wealthy people, but it should be impossible to trap two internal martial arts practitioners in the Yangyuan stage.
Next to him, when Wang Yuanlang was mentioned, Yang Qing looked a little uncomfortable and his face was a little gloomy.
/Mrs. Gu also saw it, but didn’t care much.
Her abilities are limited, so she has to hold back any grievances she has.
/Forget it, she wrote the letter directly, and then asked Yang Qing to send it to Fengyang County quickly.
Zhangjia, the night is as cool as water
In the dream, Zhang Jian was more awake this time. He felt that he suddenly left his body, and his soul naturally flew into

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