covering a hundred miles in radius, was shaken by an earthquake-like tremor.


Lei Quhuo’s face was as pale as gold paper, and he groaned, but a few strands of white extended from the black on his forehead, obviously he was seriously injured.
Many disciples of Lei Tianzong fell to the ground, and traces of blood flowed from their seven orifices. It was obvious that they were seriously injured in the shock just now.
Li Tianyi’s face glowed with a faint red light, and the Fire Heart Sword Saint statue fell slightly, but it turned into thousands of fluorescent lights and disappeared.
Lin Jinghao blinked and said, “Brother Li, you seem to have shattered someone else’s mountain gate formation.”
/The Kuishui Formation can be wiped out with one sword. After all, it is a sect formation dominated by countless Lei Tian Sect disciples. It can only scare some ordinary monks, but it is nothing in front of the real strong ones.
However, this Yunmengshuize Yulong Formation is different. It is a real mountain gate formation that has been consolidated and enhanced by countless formation masters for hundreds of years. It is one of the three major foundations of Lei Tian Sect. .
However, his keen eyes saw another gap on the sect master’s talisman in Lei Quhuo’s hand. Lin Jinghao smiled crookedly, “Three major foundations of Lei Tianzong.” They are all controlled by Fu Ling, the leader of Lei Tian Sect. If the secret is revealed, the Fu Ling will also sense it. This is not a secret in the Great Thousand World. At this time. Naturally, he knew it when he saw a gap in the talisman. Lei Tianzong’s mountain gate formation was shattered by Li Tianyi’s sword just now.
Lei Quhuo was trembling all over. This was a dream. This must be a dream. He had the urge to lie to himself. However, this was a very real fact.
The spirit of Lei Tianzu’s sword was swallowed up, and Lei Tianzong’s Shui Ze Dragon Formation collapsed.
Three major foundations, in an instant. Then lose two big ones.
For the sect leader, there is no greater shame than this!
“Who on earth are you!”
Lei Quhuo gritted his teeth and asked again.
Li Tianyi smiled faintly, “Holy Hall. Li Tianyi.”
“He and I are not together. Don’t make trouble for me. I never made a move from beginning to end. It’s obvious to everyone.” Lin Jinghao completely ignored himself. It’s hard to be a good person these days. Watching the excitement is risky!
Holy church!
Hearing these two words, Lei Quhuo trembled all over his body even more. Lei Tian Sect responded to Qianfeng Sect and wanted to massacre the people in the Holy Church. Before they even started, the Holy Church came to the door!
“Okay, okay! What a holy church!”
Lei Quhuo was angry and shocked. What he was angry about was that the Holy Church dared to confront the opponent of Lei Tianzong. What was shocking was that this Li Tianyi, whom he had never heard of before, was a new member of the Holy Church who suddenly appeared. How many people are there in the Holy Church in the Great Thousand Worlds?
Suddenly, it became unknown.

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