a few days ago and felt that although Li Yongsheng did not pay membership fees, he was not stingy when he had money.


a few days ago and felt that although Li Yongsheng did not pay membership fees, he was not stingy when he had money.
Besides, Li Yongsheng defeated Qihuan Academy and won the first place in the county’s essay competition, which also brought glory to Boben. Students tend to fall into the trap of second grade, but they also admire those who are really capable.
After Li Yongsheng thanked him, he couldn’t help but frown: He actually released that repairman?
He really couldn’t understand why the monastery acted like this: I had brought glory to the monastery, but my words were so mean and I was so disliked by others?
He was not in a good mood for the whole noon, and he always felt like he had been betrayed.
/In the afternoon, the security guards found Shuge and brought over 1,600 yuan and asked him to sign for it.
It actually cost more than a hundred dollars to get a complete door. However, his door only had a broken door shaft and was not broken down and used as firewood. It could still be used after repair, so the price was considered fair.
The security guard also expressed his opinion, saying that it wasn’t that we didn’t want to help, but that the guy named Li was being too unreasonable.
However, in retaliation, they smashed Feng Yang’s leg into pieces. The damage was so severe that it could not be cured.
This can be considered good news. The hob can’t roll meat anymore. The security guards are a little bloody after all.
But their behavior completely angered Shi Jifeng.
Although Shi Jifeng is a tailor and has tattoos on his body, he is not very courageous when encountering problems.
He knew that most of the people had been bailed out, but he and Feng Yang had been detained, so when he came out late at night, he went to see Feng Yang the next day.
Feng Yang’s tragic scene made him jealous, and he felt that he had to do something.
So that night, he came to the southwest corner of the monastery and stood there, waiting for someone to come back.
It was raining, but he still had his arms open, and the tattoos on his chest and shoulders kept beating.
Xiao Xianhou and Hu Lianwang didn’t go to class, so they discovered him and immediately ran to notify security.
After the security guards heard about it, they could only respond with a wry smile: Did you do something?
Didn’t take action? Then there’s nothing we can do – that guy was just bailed out by the hospital administration office.
When Li Yongsheng came back, he still carried some meat and vegetables in his hand. He also saw this person, but he just pretended not to see him and walked straight to his house.
“You can’t believe it?” Shi Jifeng stepped forward, raised his hand to wipe the rain off his face, and said with a sinister smile, “I’m back.”
Li Yongsheng looked at him indifferently and continued to move forward, “Who do you think you are?
” I’ve been feeling unhappy today, so I don’t bother to hide it.
Shi Jifeng was stunned for a moment. Although he was highly skilled, he was not Feng Yang’s type.
When he came back to h

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