and has such power, the problem is quite simple!”


“Fourth sister, brother-in-law, do you know the core process of the Qingping Dragon Palace Sea King Festival?”
Zhang Jian and Bai Liying looked at each other and nodded.
The Sea King Festival held every three hundred years in Qingping Sea Dragon Palace is very large, and all branches scattered outside will return to participate.
The Poseidon Festival actually competes with the ‘sincerity’ of the major dragon clans in Qingping Hailong Palace in offering sacrifices to their ancestors.
As long as this ‘sincerity’ is recognized by the ancestors’ treasures, they can naturally participate in the subsequent baptism.
Bai Shuang said lightly at this time:
“According to the rules, if you obtain the qualification of the main priest, in addition to the main priest, you can also have a dragon deputy priest next to you!”
“Actually, this deputy sacrifice can be regarded as a benefit for the ancestors of the dragon clan to seek for other branch dragon clans. It is also a search for the main dragon clan to unite fellow clansmen and create good opportunities. At the same time, the subordinate dragon clan must not forget the ancestral precepts of forming good relationships!”
“It’s just that the ancestors of the Qingpinghai Dragon Clan thought very well, but they didn’t expect that this method of inheritance has gradually deteriorated by now. The main line of dragons are taking advantage of this opportunity to seek personal gain for themselves!”
There was a hint of sarcasm in Bai Shuang’s eyes.
Bai Liying’s eyes were thoughtful at this time.
“Sister, what you mean is”
Bai Shuang met the eyes of Bai Liying and Zhang Jian, with a smile on her cold face.
“If Xuan Li has an ‘accident’, as his principal concubine, I can participate in the Neptune Festival on his behalf. As the chief priest, I will have a place to accompany the deputy priest, so I can naturally bring my fourth sister with me!”
“Oh, this is quite a blessing!”
Zhang Jian nodded calmly. During this period of contact, he also had some understanding of the process of the Neptune Festival.
During the Neptune Festival, as long as the sacrifices prepared are approved by the ancestors of the dragon clan, you can get a ‘Neptune Baptism’, which is a fifth-level immortal method that can be used to baptize your own bloodline and make your own bloodline go further.
Especially for the native dragon clan, the benefits are huge.
/He glanced at Bai Shuang deeply with his eyes and said calmly for a moment.
“Does Big Sister want Xuan Li to disappear, or is there another ‘accident’ happening?”
Next to her, Bai Liying’s face became slightly solemn when she heard this. She frowned slightly and looked at Bai Shuang.
Bai Shuang sighed softly, with some memories in the depths of her eyes, and said softly.
“He also had feelings and righteousness, but because he failed too many times, he temporarily lost himself. Although my fate with him has ended, I don’t want to do anything too great. My brother-in-law just needs to find a way to

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