t Nima.” The knife-pressing man stepped forward and kicked over two dishes. He said with a sinister smile, “Thank you three hands. Let’s give him two hundred silver dollars and give him an explanation.”


t Nima.” The knife-pressing man stepped forward and kicked over two dishes. He said with a sinister smile, “Thank you three hands. Let’s give him two hundred silver dollars and give him an explanation.”
“What you said is strange,” Li Yongsheng frowned, “I just want to ask him for news and treat him to a drink. What does it have to do with the money he owes you? ”
Are you not going to give it?” The man said with a ferocious smile, “Be polite first and then fight. This will give you face. When the time comes, dragging you away will not look good on you.”
Li Yongsheng thought about it and took out a piece from his waist. The sign came, “I am a seminarian from Chaoyang Daxiu Hall. I met Xie Wendong for the first time today. I asked him to find someone.” The
man pressing the knife turned to look at the bucktooth man holding an umbrella – everyone in the capital knew that Chaoyang Daxiu Hall The seminarians of the church are not just ordinary seminarians.
“That’s nonsense,” the buck-toothed man sneered, and stepped forward to poke Li Yongsheng with the tip of his umbrella. “It’s only natural to kill people to pay back debts. Believe it or not, I took off your clothes to pay off the debts?”
/He actually knew that. , the seminarians of Chaoyang Daxiu Hall are so difficult to mess with in the capital.
But his thinking fell into a misunderstanding, because he believed that Sanshou Xie was a master who bullied the weak and feared the strong.
Xie Wendong has been causing trouble to the neighbors in Wudaofang for a long time, but he has not caused any big trouble. That is because this person is very talented and will never offend anyone he cannot afford to offend – once he is offended, his urine will not be able to bear it. Can’t live.
As for this young man, who would treat Sanshou Xie to a drink, he must be timid and weak-minded.
Courage is innate, and backbone is confidence. If you don’t have both, even if you are a real seminarian at Chaoyang Daxiu Hall, you will still dare to move your buck teeth.
Moreover, Xie Wendong also said that this person was from out of town and came to Wudaofang to find his long-lost relatives.
If you can go to Shenquan to find relatives, everyone will definitely shun you. Even if you go to Zhuta to find relatives, everyone will think twice about coming to Wudaofang to find relatives – that’s nothing.
Bucktooth would not miss this opportunity, and directly stepped forward to threaten – you are blind enough to drink with Sanshou Xie, you can’t blame me.
Honestly speaking, the principal of the money owed by Sanshou Xie to Buck Ya has long been paid off. The only difference is the interest, and this interest is compounded with interest. How much is owed? Not to mention Sanshou Xie, even Buck Ya himself has paid off. Can’t figure it out.
However, Buck Tooth has an accounting office, so he doesn’t need to worry about it. He can leave the professional matters to professionals, and he will know that he will not lose money.
Buck Ya also knew that Sanshou Xie couldn’t afford to

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