il energy condensed into a mysterious robe, and then the mysterious robe supported the outline of Chu Weiyang’s figure, and then the Taoist was revealed from it. The body shape is average.


And when he looked carefully, the hem of the mysterious robe was still hanging down in the Taiyin evil energy, as if it had been integrated into one body.
/Occasional flashes, especially the mysterious light suddenly disintegrated into simple and simple five-color divine flowers. As the aura circulated, relying on the life source of the purple flame demon and the concept of its existence as the basis, the Taoist magic power The side that belongs to the poisonous and evil energy of the five aggregates is devouring everything according to the “Five Decline of Heaven and Man”, cultivating and improving on its own.
Not only the fighting, but now even the refining is so weird and strange.
And when Chu Weiyang reached for it again.
Suddenly, a ray of light leaped into Chu Weiyang’s hand again. When the cultivators looked back, they saw the magic weapon Shanhe Gui being held up by Chu Weiyang, with the emerald-colored Nanmingli Fire burning inside. Pure blood light transpired, but when one looked carefully, a gray-black light flashed away in a flash, transforming into the form of a sea serpent and disappearing in the twisted flames.
Immediately afterwards, after Chu Weiyang took a serious look, he held the Grandmaster’s Seal again and threw the Dao Fruit Demonic Pill that was originally knocked into the palm of his hand into the Shanhe Gui.
In an instant, everything has not yet been refined into a stable shape and quality, but a certain kind of supreme and harmonious artistic conception with the three elements of essence, energy, and spirit has already emerged and diffused from the mountain and river gui.
At this time, almost all the monks who were watching from a distance looked towards Tianwu Daocheng and Old Alchemist Liu of the Alchemy Sect with some inexplicable meaning.
The alchemy techniques used by Chu Weiyang were somewhat specious, but the cultivators could vaguely discern the rough outlines of the “Three-turn Heyuan Dan Spiritual Method”.
This is the basis of the Alchemy Sect’s alchemy techniques, and only after nine turns can the supreme alchemy method be revealed.
However, after Chu Weiyang realized the “Three Transformations of Heyuan Dan Spiritual Method” from “The Danzhi Dan Chapter” in the past years, he embarked on his own path to enlightenment of the alchemy path.
Now, it is no longer “Three Transformations of the Combined Yuan”, but “The Combined Refining of the Three Yuans”!
Chu Weiyang combined his experience of bloody battles and fighting, especially his internal refining of the three diagrams and three dharma, and his understanding of the three elements of essence, energy, and spirit, into this brand-new elixir method.
This is Chu Weiyang’s supreme elixir!
Unlike the incomprehensible gazes of others, Old Alchemist Liu watched for a long time, nodding or shaking his head from time to time.
/Finally, I

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