overestimate their capabilities.”


After the words fell, Xiang Chengtian, who had been prepared for a long time, pointed out the formation talisman, and the cold light turned into mist, sealing off the east, west, north, south, and the void of heaven and earth, locking Lu Bei and Zhao Wuyou in the formation.
The round sky and the square inside the formation are thousands of miles away, and the Sumeru is hidden in the mustard seeds. It is extremely vast, but when viewed from outside the formation, the formation is only one step away, and it just encloses two white hairs.
“What a move to draw the earth into a prison. The world is just a short distance away. Junior brother has made great progress in Taoism. With a casual strike, even the monks in the Tribulation Stage will find it difficult to escape.” Ge Nie nodded in praise.
“Little Doyle, no better than senior brother.”
The two brothers began to talk to each other about business, and the atmosphere was very harmonious.
Lu Bei raised his hand and moved forward. Under the horrified gazes of Gu Zongyan and the others, a finger with no mana fluctuation shattered the formation barrier and pierced it forcefully.
“What a move to draw the ground as a prison, and the end of the world is so close. The senior’s Taoist skills are so good that he only narrowly trapped my brother and sister.” Lu Bei exclaimed in surprise, and punched the formation Taoist talisman blocking the surrounding area.
Zhao Wuyou:
The word brother and sister really disturbed her.
“Who are you?”
Ge Nie and Xiang Chengtian suppressed the fear in their hearts. They both protected in front of Gu Zongyan, and connected their hands to create more than ten formation talismans that separated the heaven and the earth.
At the same time, a secret signal was given to call the monks in the palace to come to the rescue.
“As you can see, the monks of the Xuanlong Zhao family don’t have much reputation, so they won’t show their shame in public.” Lu Bei touched the silver hair on his shoulders and felt very good about himself.
/“It’s impossible. With your ability, it’s definitely not just in the early stages of integration.” Ge Nie looked solemn as he tried to extract some information.
“Whether it’s the integration stage or not, it doesn’t matter what you say, it doesn’t matter what I say, it’s what He says.” Lu Bei raised his finger to the sky, the smile on his lips was extremely mysterious.
Ge Nie and Xiang Chengtian subconsciously looked at the sky. Then, their vision was dark, there was a loud bang in their ears, and a pain that penetrated into the bone marrow swept through their bodies.
boom! ! !
Lu Bei took one step forward, smashing through more than a dozen barriers with his tyrannical body. He stretched out his hands and clasped two old, well-maintained faces.
The strange force resonated, shattering the protective magic weapons of Ge Nie and Xiang Chengtian, shattering the meridians and dispersing the abundant magic power, and at the same time shaking the flesh, viscera, and bones of the t

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