did it matter?


“My friends are very curious about what the boyfriend of a beautiful girl like An Nuan looks like, so I took a photo to show them. I’m sorry, but please don’t take it off.” Wu Fan had no choice but to feel that today’s itinerary It might not be as pleasant and smooth as he expected. Since Han Zhizhi agreed to accompany him to visit Junsha, she must have a certain liking for him. Girls all like their suitors to be outstanding and eye-catching. As long as he is with her If you show more limelight in front of your friends, you will naturally gain more favor from Han Zhizhi.
It’s actually very simple for a man to chase a girl, either she is handsome. At this time, the girl’s initiative is unimaginable for ordinary boys.
Either if you have money and are willing to spend it, the girl will give a reason to accept: He is very good to me. In addition, being eloquent is also a skill. After all, there are still some girls who can be pursued by just listening to sweet words. .
/Fortunately, although Liu Changan is annoying at first sight, at least he has a girlfriend, so he won’t compete with him. It’s a pity for Han Zhizhi that a girl like An Nuan actually found a boyfriend who looks like a psychopath, but An Nuan is in the photo They are quite good-looking, but some girls are just like that, they are very photogenic, but in real life they are actually very average.
What’s more, when girls post photos these days, how can they not retouch them, lose weight, or stretch themselves? Han Zhizhi and An Nuan are obviously not in a plastic sisterhood, and Han Zhizhi will help An Nuan whiten and smooth her skin by posting pictures.
Wu Fan apologized, and Liu Changan didn’t care about his rudeness. No one is perfect, let alone a child. A boy of this age exudes the hostility of a male chasing his mate, trying to make himself the most noticeable one. And being chosen is also excusable.
The atmosphere was a little awkward. Liu Changan drank tea by himself, then turned to look out the window, with the corners of his mouth raised slightly and a faint smile on his face.
This made Wu Fan very uncomfortable. A psycho who calmed down actually made himself feel threatened. Wu Fan also knew very well that if Han Zhizhi brought his best friend and her best friend’s boyfriend, comparisons would inevitably arise.
As a best friend, An Nuan’s aesthetics and choice of boyfriend will naturally affect Han Zhizhi. Will Han Zhizhi also tend to like Liu Changan? I have to suppress Liu Changan’s limelight today, otherwise I am really just going on a quick trip, finding a room in a second- and third-tier city like Junsha that is comparable to the price of a top hotel in a first-tier city and just have a good night’s sleep. Go back to Zhonghai?
If young people stay in top hotels not just to have sex or to look forward to having sex, what else is there to enjoy?
Last night, Wu Fan was in the guest room on the 91st floor, looking at the city more than 400 meters below his feet, but he had imagined having an affair with Han Zhizhi in front

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