you say and do must be in line with the core socialist values, and acknowledge that all the nonsense the Zombie King says makes sense.


Copy drops: chain saw, effervescent tablets, thermos pot, brewed effervescent water, popping candy, mobile phone, chocolate, lipstick, eye shadow box, hair tie, hairpin, two polished jade seals, the Queen’s Seal , “Chang’an” series of hair accessories, sanitary napkins, 178 yuan.
“Jie Jie Jie” A decent person never makes such a laugh. The Zombie King makes such a sound to show that he is a standard villain.
Hu Gao stared at the strange zombie king in front of him, and then his eyes fell on the zombie king’s flaming red lips.
He couldn’t help but laugh angrily. The Zombie King’s lips were actually wearing lipstick, which happened to be the same as Wu Qinglian’s. The lipstick was Dior 999, the legendary red lip gloss!
“You’re fucking kidding me! Which zombie wears lipstick and eyeshadow? You’ve already painted all your eyeshadow black, and even used pearlescent powder. Do you want to be the shiniest zombie in the night?” Hu Jieye said. As for Gojin, whose main business is to serve women, he will naturally work hard to learn topics that can please women.
/He is not familiar with all cosmetics, but he is well aware of the preferences of the women he has served. Without this kind of character and hard work, he would not be able to rank among the top gold medal technicians in the women’s health club.
The four Japanese, Zhao Zhi, Xiao Zhang, and six villagers were all relieved when they heard Hu Jie’s words. After all, the Zombie King’s appearance was so impressive that it really made people tremble.
It’s just that the two groups who were originally confronting each other in the open space were relieved to find that the other party could not help but feel a little confused. Wasn’t the zombie king who came out halfway arranged by the other party?
Why can’t zombies wear lipstick and eyeshadow? The zombie king frowned, the zombie queen mother in the coffin used it, and the one he used was taken from her.
The zombie queen said that the zombie king used too much. The next time she goes to Yaya’s house to play, she will inadvertently reveal that she has not enough cosmetics. She hopes that Yaya can understand what the queen mother means.
“Who are you, pretending to be a ghost here?” Hu Gao is not a simple-minded person. Although the opponent’s appearance is absurd and there is a suspicion of pretending to be a ghost, what if this is a trap?
Through information exchange within the club, Hu Jie already knew that although the modern world is ruled by ordinary people, there are still many powerful individuals and organizations, such as the brutal Kyushu Fenglei Sword Sect.
“I am a god, but you think I am a ghost.”
The deep voice of the Zombie King was as old as the singing of bones buried deep in the ground. The voice penetrated the sealed coffin, the thick soil layer, and seeped out through the cracks in the ground.
He still closed his eyes and turned his head, but his tightly closed e

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