nger a little girl. Maturity and rationality were one of the charms of a working woman like her.


Liu Changan smiled and said, “Not really. I just think you are too delicate. You should do some physical work, move bricks, mix cement, dig soil and so on. Just like your third wife, you are not stained. Fireworks.”
Under normal circumstances, Zhong Qing feels that saying that she is the same as the third wife is the highest compliment. That is her idol and the ideal image of women in her mind.
/Liu Changan said this with too much personal bias. But when one person’s bias becomes a point of view that others care about, it becomes the standard.
Just like the public’s current requirements for women’s body shape are completely dominated by men. No matter what women say about fitness, weight loss and maintaining a good figure to please themselves, in fact, after all, it is the subtle standard of male aesthetics that really needs to be based on the natural standard, which is “strong”.
“Okay, if I have time someday, I’ll go pick up sheep dung balls with you.” Zhong Qing didn’t reject it very much. Zhu Juntang can do it, so of course she can do it too.
“Let’s put it this way, you look like flowers in a greenhouse. They are very delicate and beautiful, but compared with those flowers growing naturally in the wild, they just feel a little less flavorful.” Liu Changan thought of a more appropriate metaphor, just like some flowers that grow naturally in the wild. Flower arrangement enthusiasts are not willing to buy flowers in flower shops and like to go to the wild to pick the flowers and plants they need.
“Domestic flowers are not as fragrant as wild flowers? I am a domestic flower that is waiting to be picked, so there is no challenge and no sense of accomplishment. It is not as tempting as the thorny ones outside. I wonder how many wild flowers have been picked by butterflies and wild bees?” Zhong Qing’s cheeks smiled slightly. Red and slightly angry.
In fact, she is not the flower of Liu Changan’s family, but with the hint of the third wife, she leads the task of seducing Liu Changan at all costs. She has also given Liu Changan many opportunities. It is really a matter of asking and waiting to be picked. As long as he shows a little bit of meaning That’s enough, such a woman is no challenge to men.
If an ordinary man, like Zhong Qing, was like this, he would have been a subordinate for a long time. But for Liu Changan, a flower-concubine, perhaps the challenge of a woman is more important to him, rather than focusing on the woman’s appearance and figure.
“Your point of view is not suitable between you and me, but what you said is not wrong. Males have the natural instinct to seek more mates and leave offspring. You see, the bees picking flowers are all male, right?” Liu Changan looked at it He said while looking at Zhongqing’s long legs.
He was not attracted by the woman’s slender legs, but by the light dark golden flower and bee patterns on the ankles of Zhongqing’s stockings.
Zhongqing is a woman who can always ad

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