contact circle and found that Lydgate Sky Knight was contacting him. He used the power of blood to agree to the opening of the contact circle.


“Baron Arthur, please bring two sky knights to the mission target!” Lydgate’s sky knight’s voice came from the contact circle.
“I’ll be there soon!” David responded.
David didn’t hear anything from Lydgate Sky Knight’s voice, but he could guess that Lydgate Sky Knight must be in a bad mood at this time.
However, David was not apologetic at all. Lydgate Sky Knight concealed the content of the mission. Lydgate Sky Knight and the other two Sky Knights were actually preparing to steal his mission.
According to normal procedures, everyone in the temple should be the target of the mission for him and the other three young knights. With two sky knights, they are not without power to fight. Up to three sky knights can assist in completing the mission and distribute it together. Benefit.
But Lydgate Sky Knight and the other three Sky Knights chose to abandon David and the others and keep the huge merit for themselves. Although they gave David the merit of breaching the temple in order to prevent David from intervening, that was still his fault. Credit is due.
What makes David less psychologically stressed is that if he hadn’t taken action, Lydgate Sky Knight and the other three sky knights wouldn’t have achieved any results. If David hadn’t killed the followers of the evil god first, the followers of the evil god wouldn’t have achieved anything. He had already left through the portal.
Knight Mark summoned the golden eagle, Knight Garland summoned the bald eagle, and David grabbed one leg of the golden eagle and the bald eagle with two hands respectively, and was carried into the sky.
This also made David quickly come to the door of the temple again. He saw Lydgate Sky Knight and three other sky knights standing at the door of the temple. Their faces were not very good.
/“Baron Arthur, please wait for the rest of the knights!” Lydgate Sky Knight said with a forced smile to David.
David nodded and stood aside to wait.
The three sky knights had no interest in talking, and David didn’t want to talk in this atmosphere.
After waiting for a while, I saw three young knights coming from three directions in the distance.
“Lydgate Sky Knight, your battle was so clean, not even a single fish slipped through the net!” Knight Meili said in a mocking tone.
/She had contacted Knight Jasper and Knight Alfonso before coming, and knew that none of the three had gained anything.
You must know that the three parties occupy three directions respectively. Logically speaking, if the evil god believers escape from the temple, they will disperse and flee. The three parties will encounter at least one or two evil god believers.
However, no believers of the evil god were intercepted from three directions. Either the believers of the evil god fled from the direction where Baron Arthur was, or the three sky knights, Lydgate Sky Knight, did not leave them any chance.
Instead of asking Baron Arthur, K

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