oice was very soft. Every time Shangguan Dandan called her “Little Zhongqing”, she felt particularly comfortable, as if she was really a little girl in Shangguan Dandan’s eyes. She and Shangguan Dandan Dan will also become softer when he speaks, “But it’s not those dragon kings. It’s more than a hundred kilograms. It was originally the main ingredient of Zhuji Restaurant this week, so I requisitioned it first.”


A dragon weighing over a hundred kilograms? Liu Changan touched his belly with secret satisfaction and expectation. He had been poor in material life for many years, and he had not eaten such a big dragon crab for a long time.
It is said that the bigger the dragon worm is, the more delicious it is, but in fact, the dragon worm weighing more than 100 kilograms is delicious enough, but the fish’s chin and belly are not as filling as the king dragon worm which weighs several hundred kilograms.
“We finally ate the dragon among the twelve zodiac signs today?” Zhou Dongdong said happily. She had always envied her brother Chang’an for eating the twelve zodiac signs, but the most difficult thing to eat among the twelve zodiac signs was the dragon. As long as he ate If you get the dragon, you can slowly get other zodiac signs in the future!
“Dragon dragon dragon dragon stew and eat it!”
Liu Changan closed his eyes and stopped arguing and explaining with Zhou Dongdong, just like arguing with Zhu Juntang many times was meaningless.
“The dragon is either a dragon or an ordinary fish, but this one is particularly big, with a big head and a big belly. When it stands up, it is as tall as Zhou Dongdong.” Zhongqing stared straight ahead and spoke softly. Zhou Dongdong explained.
Probably the paraventricular nucleus and supraoptic nucleus of the hypothalamus have been a little excited recently. They always like to take a few amino acids to frequently synthesize oxytocin, which is secreted in large quantities in the posterior lobe of the pituitary gland. Not only do I have the urge to have a baby, but I also feel the urge to have a baby when I see a cute baby. Overflowing with maternal love, I always find them particularly cute.
Zhou Dongdong gestured with himself up and down with his hands, and finally understood how big a fish it was!
Zhou Dongdong had only seen such big fish in Zhu Juntang’s aquarium. They were fish that Zhou Dongdong had never eaten before!
/“踸” is the word “supporter” that appears more frequently now, describing a staunch supporter. “Yi Fen Wen Ji” writes: Every 1,680 kilograms is one 踸. This kind of fish can be named Long 踸. Naturally, it’s because it can grow big enough. Earlier, dragons in the sea were often hundreds of years old and grew to more than a thousand kilograms, but now those weighing more than a hundred kilograms are relatively rare.” Liu Changan said with some regret.
There are fewer dragons and dragons, naturally because there are more people, but we must also look at the problem dialectically. For example, the number of people in China is a bit small now. 1.5 b

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