Shenghai sighed and stared at his hands faintly: “It’s hard to say.”


Xu Ying felt awe-struck and left immediately.
A few days later, at the Chaos Sea Ferry, the immortals, true kings, Dao Lords, and Dao Lords each selected disciples, ranging from as few as five to as many as a hundred, gathered together.
At this time, the ferry has prepared a series of Cuiyan Lou boats, ready to set sail at any time.
Xu Ying looked around and found no one in the immortal realm boarding the ship. He thought to himself: “The strong men on the other side are so relieved that they let their disciples go to the new universe? Are they not afraid that the supreme strongman will sit in the new universe and take all these disciples away?” Went out?”
He immediately realized: “They are afraid, so they want to send disciples as pioneers. If there is really a powerful person in the new universe, it will be the disciples who die instead of them! Even if the disciples get some treasures from the new universe, they only need to be jealous and let the disciples hand over Come out, which disciple dares not to surrender?”
However, the pioneers who came here did not feel that they were being used at all. Instead, they were very excited and looked forward to this expedition.
After all, resources on the other side are highly concentrated, and this is one of their few opportunities to get ahead!
Xu Ying, Changsun Shenghai and other Taiyi Sect members boarded a Cuiyan building ship. Others also boarded the ship separately. There was a flagship driven by a scout in front, leading the way.
Following the order, the Cuiyan Tower ships finally set sail, sailing into the Sea of ??Chaos, heading for another universe!
Xu Ying stood at the bow of the boat, feeling a surge of emotions in his heart.
/Pioneer, what a beautiful word.
But the so-called pioneering is actually to use knives and fire to eradicate the weeds on the wasteland!
And Xinzhou is the wasteland, and the weeds are the indigenous people there!
“So, how do I handle myself?”
Xu Ying said silently in his heart, “Should I follow them to open up the wilderness, or should I stand by and watch? What if what they discover this time is not a new universe, but the Three Realms?”
He pondered for a moment, looked back at the excited brothers on the boat, and sighed quietly.
“For the sake of my Taoist heart, when we arrive in Xinzhou, we have to send these brothers on their way first.”
At this time, Xu Ying felt a few pairs of eyes falling on him. When he looked back, there were green rock buildings and ships behind him. He didn’t know who was looking at him.
“Someone is targeting me.”
Xu Ying didn’t take it seriously. People who stand out will always be stared at by many pairs of eyes.
One by one, the Cuiyan Tower ships followed the flagship and sailed in the chaotic sea, gradually increasing their speed. There is no passage of time in the chaotic sea, but the people on the boat can feel the passage of time, but this passage is very strange, sometimes moving forward and sometimes backward.

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