s less painful than yesterday, and the joints of his body continued to feel numb as he practiced.


Because he paid more attention to contortion, he devoted himself to experiencing the subtle changes that practicing contortion brought to the body.
He found that during the practice of contortion, extreme stretching also affected the muscles and joints. The muscles were forced to stretch, and the joints became more lubricated during the practice.
After finishing the practice, David once again felt the slightest inspiration after practicing contortion.
He opened the attribute panel. Although the agility value did not change this time, he could really feel that the agility had indeed increased, but it was just too small and the attribute panel did not show it.
He also thought of the mercenary who was able to make a variety of extremely flexible movements after being locked by two defensive heavy machine guns. If he had not ordered the rapid-fire cannon to block the entrance of the cave in time, the mercenary might have been able to escape. .
Thinking about the mercenary’s speed and flexibility, the real secret lies in contortion.
“It seems that I have to add another item to my daily fixed practice items!” David thought excitedly.
He now has many training items, including eighteen forms of physical skills, spears, long swords, heavy axes, war hammers, and large shields. He also has to practice sniping in the virtual environment of a medium-sized server.
/Even though he no longer goes to school, he still has a heavy workload every day.
“David, open the door!” While David was still practicing his long sword, Jim’s shout came from the identity bracelet.
“Emma, ??welcome!” David did not stop practicing, but just ordered the smart housekeeper Emma through the identity bracelet.
“Emma, ??where is David?” Jim entered the hall first and asked the smart housekeeper Emma.
“Master is training in the fitness room!” Emma, ??the smart butler, replied while preparing juice.
Behind Jim, Daley, Myron and DeQuincey also walked in.
“Myron, this is the difference between you and David!” DeQuincey turned to Myron and said.
“De Quincey, you are talking as if you can be compared with David!” Myron immediately shot back.
“We came early!” Jim said with a helpless smile.
They were indeed a little early today because they heard that David was leaving Perrin City recently, and since today was a holiday, everyone in their small circle was free, so they came to David’s place to get together.
“What’s the background of the newly transferred senior police officer? I heard that he had some problems with David!” Daley looked at Myron and asked.
“I didn’t know, but I didn’t deal with David. I went back to talk to my father more and give him some shoes to wear!” At this time, Myron behaved like a real second-generation official. He smiled. said.
“I’ll mention it at home later, it should have some effect!” De Quincey did not disagree with Myron this time, but said on the same side.
“Don’t ask about Officer Kush’s matter!” David was walking

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