ltimate freedom.


Xu Ying meditated under the stone tablet. Not long after, he suddenly moved. The next moment, he appeared dozens of miles away, and suddenly returned to the stone tablet.
/He rose into the air, stepped on the air with his feet, paused slightly, and flew away like a rainbow, leaving only a rainbow light behind him!
“call out!”
Xu Ying fell from the sky, and a long rainbow followed closely behind him and sank into his body. He couldn’t help but sigh in his heart: “The end of martial arts is magical power.”
His Ultimate Freedom Skill just now was already the magical power of shifting bodies. Compared with the Qi Refiner’s magical power of Rainbow Transformation, it was no less impressive, and even faster!
“It’s just that this ultimate freedom skill seems to be inferior to the eight methods of the God of War.”
Xu Ying compared the two martial arts methods. The ultimate mind free skill can burst out with unparalleled speed and even leave a shadow!
Leave countless shadows of yourself behind, so that your opponents don’t know who is the real you!
But compared with the Eight Methods of the God of War, Jiyi Zizi Gong lacks the spirit of fighting against heaven and earth. Although after cultivating the ultimate mind free skill, few people can hurt themselves with the unpredictable body skills, but they no longer have the spirit of bravery and advancement.
/The improvement of martial arts cultivation may become slow.
Xu Ying walked to the next martial arts school. The record of this martial arts was a broken sword. The sword had been purified and no longer had the overwhelming evil aura, but it was still very sharp.
When Xu Ying walked closer, he felt the sword energy cutting through his body.
He raised his arm and saw small pits sunk into the skin of his arm, which were the sword energy emitted by the broken sword.
Xu Ying stood in front of the broken sword. There was a figure in the sword with a slender figure standing with a sword in his hand.
“Martial arts sword?”
Xu Ying was extremely surprised. He had learned the sword of the Sword Immortal. He first came into contact with Yuan Tiangang’s swordsmanship, and then he learned Li Xiaoke’s swordsmanship and struck with the sword.
He has never learned the pure martial arts sword.
This martial arts expert imprinted his spirit on this terrifying broken sword. The Broken Sword is a magic weapon in ancient battlefields. One can only imagine how terrifying this master’s martial arts attainments are!
In the sword, the martial arts expert used martial arts to control the sword, and the sword energy was unparalleled. Standing outside the broken sword, Xu Ying still had to use the ultimate intention to dodge back and forth to avoid being hurt by the sword energy!
Even more terrifying is the sword intent.
The martial arts master’s sword energy can still be avoided, but his sword intention is everywhere. Being in the sword intention, Xu Ying feels that his own energy and blood have become the opponent’s sword, and he may be exploded by the opponent at

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