great benefit to you, especially if you devote your time to studying the dispute between Buddhism and Taoism. , the time spent on reading Mao Zedong will benefit you throughout your life.”


Liu Changan went on to say, “After you have a general understanding of Mao Zedong, you can look at the issue of the dispute between Buddhism and Taoism from a higher and broader perspective. The historical materialism and the dialectical way of thinking about the problem are more It can make you several levels better than those who have not received this education.”
Bai Hui looked at Liu Changan blankly. I bought so many books. I felt sleepy reading those crappy things. I didn’t know how much coffee I drank before I persisted in reading a few books. Now you ask me to read Mao Zedong to understand Basic principles of Marxism?
“Don’t be so surprised. I’m not exaggerating. You see, many Western elites now have fully developed brains, but they just can’t understand some problems. I would say it’s because they haven’t studied Mao Zedong and Marx. Do you believe it? ? Of course, even if some people understand it, they will not say it is another problem.” Liu Changan thought for a while and made an analogy: “Before the heliocentric theory, basically everyone believed that the sun revolves around the earth. These people Are they all idiots with brain problems? Of course not. They are no different from the current Western elites who are blindly anti-China. They are just limited in thinking and unable to break through cognitive barriers.”
Bai Hui stretched out her hand and signaled Liu Changan to stop. She felt like she was in a “Mao Gai” class. Her “Mao Gai” teacher also made similar remarks, always spreading the feeling of divine truth in the world.
/“I’ll buy it now. I’ll buy a set first and have a look.” Bai Hui exhaled. Being friends with Liu Changan, even if he is forced to improve himself, there is no harm in it after all.
“Yes, buy it. I can study this with you in the future. After all, I have only studied Mao Zedong for a few decades, which is not long. We can learn together, make progress together, find out and fill in the gaps, and improve each other.” Liu Changan nodded. .
/study together? A picture emerged in Bai Hui’s mind. It was a common picture decades ago. Men and women wearing green military uniforms and green military caps sat together to read and study seriously. It was a simple and beautiful feeling.
As for what he said about decades of research, Bai Fen’s soft ears ignored it.
So Bai Hui pursed her lips and placed an order online.
“Buy them individually, some merchants selling used books have them.”
“I know, okay, I’ve placed the order.”
Liu Changan felt a little impressed by Bai Hui, and nodded seriously and praised: “There are no girls who are not good at reading these books.”
Bai Hui’s cheeks were slightly red. It was the first time that Liu Changan had praised her so seriously, and she couldn’t help but feel sweet in her heart.
At this time, Shangguan Dandan came downstairs. Because he had just seen W

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