oment, the illusive and hazy light dissipated, and with the surge of spiritual light on the purple demonic beast, Chu Weiyang seemed to hear the roar of the ocean in a daze.


The majestic blood evil aura gradually dissipated from the faint wisps of cow hair, and suddenly, it seemed as if some bloody storm was about to swirl from the Niwan Palace.
This was already an extremely tame expression of the blood evil power of the demonic beast. In an instant, the sword Qi Tianhe hanging on the dome dropped with majestic energy, forcing all the diffused blood evil aura back into the condensed body. In the origin of the silk thread, immediately afterwards, the faint light of the Taoist figure on the spiritual platform shone.
That ray of dim light fell, and in an instant it wrapped the power of the demonic beast’s blood evil in it. The moment the spiritual light circled around, it fell from the Niwan Palace, wandered in the central channel, and was guided to the stomach pill cauldron. And go.
At this moment, Chu Weiyang was already holding on to the stone wall and carefully sitting down.
As soon as he sat down and observed the flash of true and illusory existence, it seemed as if some earthly lung fire pulse burst out from the alchemy cauldron in the stomach pouch, and in an instant, it seemed like the sound of brilliant thunder came from Chu Weiyang’s body.
/Gradually, the thunder separated.
It is the thunderbolt of fireworks, the gyration of water waves, the roar of black turtle, and the cry of phoenix!
At the same time, Baijie Yunfang was in the quiet room.
Qing He stood up smartly, walked to the corner, and held Shi Yuting’s arm tightly in his arms, as if he was afraid that Shi Yuting was going to run away.
“Master, this time, you have to see your own thoughts, right? But so what?”
Hearing this, Shi Yuting remained silent, but his eyes often looked at the hanging portrait of Chu Weiyang, as if that man was still watching Shi Yuting from afar.
His eyes were flustered for no reason.
Xu Shi saw it clearly, so the smile on Qinghe’s face became brighter and brighter, and he became more and more aggressive.
She leaned close to Shi Yuting’s ear, as if she wanted to transmit the voice directly into Shi Yuting’s mind.
“So what? Sister Yuting?”
So, in the next moment, even the restrictions of the quiet room could not cover up, it was Shi Yuting’s roar that really broke the defense.
/“Evil disciple! Get here here, master!”
It was just as faint as a wisp of cow hair, but it made Chu Weiyang feel fuller than ever before.
It’s not even the brief, fleeting feeling of fullness that comes when swallowing the treasure, but the swirl of water and fire, and the blood that continues to escape from the blood of the vaguely thinking monster. The evil spirit was eliminated, thus teaching Chu Weiyang to have a real sense of fullness for a long time.
For that brief moment, Chu Weiyang felt as if his whole body was about to convulse and tremble, as if he was about to shed hot tears.
But this kind of emotion that originated from the

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