he air.


“That silly and sweet little white tiger, is it absolutely unparalleled?” Sword Fairy showed a strange expression. She discovered the round-faced girl and noticed that her realm had improved recently.
Originally, the little white tiger and the ghost monk were only one step away from being quasi-peerless. Some time ago, the demon lord gave the little white tiger and white jade immortal a lot of blessings, urging her to break through, and it finally worked.
But now, being quasi-peerless is not a problem at all for Jiang Qingyao, and she breaks in with Wang Xuan.
“Boom!” She approached silently and hit the round-faced girl on the back of the head with the scabbard sword, knocking her unconscious and laying her down on the ground.
“Okay, let’s get started and help the red demon move!” Sword Fairy took the lead and struck like lightning. She really wasn’t going to leave anything for the demon master!
Wang Xuan was speechless. This was about to win. Who would have thought that the Demon Lord’s home would be taken away and completely ransacked!
Copying my sister’s house? Wang Xuan was a little reluctant to do anything. If the Demon Lord found out about this, he might suffer internal injuries and settle the accounts with him.
“Come on, help her move. There are too many things. Here’s the purple gourd. Get ready quickly.” Jiang Qingyao urged, with excitement and happiness written on her face.
“Yes, help her move!” Wang Xuan felt that this was nothing, the great barrier was about to be extinguished, and the fairy world was about to die completely.
The Demon Lord is fighting in the Immortal Land. If he doesn’t come back in time, won’t this cavern be destroyed? That would be too wasteful.
As her godbrother, he has the obligation to help her transfer her property and pack it all up for her in advance. If she finds out, she should thank him again.
Then, Wang Xuan became full of energy, passion and enthusiasm. He believed that this was his own thing and he could not let go of any of it.
The elixir field was scraped off a layer of land and completely disappeared!
The secret room of classics and the stone house were moved away and put into the gourd.
The Demon Lord’s dressing room has a dazzling array of clothes, beautiful inner armor, clothes woven from fairy silk, etc.
“All kinds of clothes are very avant-garde. Net-shaped, black, red, and bowl-shaped. These are all made with sacred objects according to the styles in this world, right? Luxurious, seductive, and worthy of being a big fairy in red! “Jiang Qingyao commented.
/Wang Xuan glanced at the dressing room and then at the bedroom. He also felt that it was eye-catching. The demon master Yanyan kept pace with the times and was placed in the modern city. She was a passionate and unrestrained stunning girl with an excellent figure and a gorgeous figure.
/All kinds of clothes, various accessories, and the shiny curved armor all over the room quickly disappeared!
Jiang Qingyao has a mysophobia, so naturally she either wants to wear them herself, or she enjo

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