s remind.


His fifth uncle scolded: “What are you breaking the limit for four times? Remember, that is a heaven-level casual cultivator!”
“Uncle Master, even if you join forces to go in, you must be cautious. That Sibu, that heaven-level murderer, is very powerful.”
“Don’t worry, your uncle, I and several fellow Taoists are also limit breakers, and have been in the heaven-level realm for more than 1,600 years!”
This is not one family, but many people coming in, including casual cultivators, the Time Sect that is famous in the sea of ??stars, and even people from the Paper Temple who are nearby may appear.
What the hell is this? Wang Xuan had no intention of pestering him, and was ready to leave, leaving them to fidget with the air and stop serving them.
However, the exit was very crowded, and the hole dug by Wu Tian was actually blocked. Entry and exit were required to be reported, and interrogation was very strict.
/Wu Tian quit and frowned: “I used my parietal bone, but it took a lot of effort to penetrate this chessboard dojo that was suspected to be arranged by an ancient sage. As a result, I am not allowed to go out now. Do you want to collect tolls?”
He is very dissatisfied. His identity cannot be exposed to the public. If he really exposes his identity, he will cause a lot of trouble, and powerful people will come to trouble him.
He couldn’t help but think too much. Could it be that someone clearly wanted to deal with the wizard who broke the limit four times, but actually wanted to hunt him?
“Fellow Taoist, there is no need to be angry. Let’s work together to harvest these people. They have been wandering around for a long time. I guess they have a lot of good things in them.”
Wu Tian secretly suggested that before leaving, he should harvest a wave.
“Are you going to other star regions?” Wang Xuan asked. They were about to part ways, and both of them felt that there would be opportunities for cooperation in the future.
“Aren’t you ready to leave?” Wu Tian gave him a very secret contact method, and went around in circles, roughly to enter a higher spiritual world, where he built several spiritual chambers that could receive messages.
After a brief exchange, Wu Tian and Wang Xuan teamed up to attack in the heavy fog to actively seek trouble for those people.
“The rogue cultivator who has broken the limit four times is here, come quickly!” someone shouted.
The next battlefield is filled with murderous intent, and blood splashes from time to time. At this moment, there is no reason to explain, this is a primitive hunting.
Since some people don’t follow the rules and want to create a fait accompli, they take advantage of the situation to kill the so-called wizards, labeling a deer as a horse, thinking that Wang Xuan is a rule-breaker in the heaven-level field.
In fact, Wu Tian became even more murderous. After he took action, he continued to harvest those who stood in his way. He was afraid that his identity would be exposed. Anyone who blocked the exit and conducted so-called investigation would b

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