eturn to Su Nanxiu’s hands.


“Zhongqing can take charge of this matter because she already knows that Su Nanxiu is Su Mei’s problem.” Qin Yanan knew Zhongqing’s status in the Zhu family. As the helm of the family, he would always cultivate a confidant.
This confidant does not necessarily need to be excellent in all aspects, the most important thing is to be controlled, which is more important than talent. For a behemoth like the Zhu family, the talent of a single person has a limited impact on it.
Just like Su Xiaocui, Su Xiaocui was just a maid in marriage at first, but she was loyal to Su Mei and openly held her position as the helmsman of the Zhu family.
Zhongqing is the next Su Xiaocui. Maybe he still serves Su Mei, or maybe Su Mei trained him for Zhu Juntang.
“Probably.” Liu Changan remembered that it had been a while since he had a barbecue with Zhongqing. Zhongqing had been a little busy recently. Although Su Mei was far away in Antarctica to control the situation, there were still more things that required Zhongqing to do personally.
“Will Su Mei really stay in Antarctica and marry a penguin?” Qin Yanan was worried with some anticipation. If Su Mei really would marry a penguin, even if the wedding was held in Antarctica, Qin Yanan would be willing to charter a plane to attend the wedding and would definitely donate The most loyal blessing, I wish she and the penguin grow old together, live forever, never die, and the world will be destroyed.
Liu Changan smiled and didn’t answer. What’s going on with Penguin’s marriage? Is there a discount for recharging Q coins?
/“This woman will come back sooner or later. She can’t stay in Antarctica peacefully. Even the simulation equipment in Antarctica is made of ice. It’s okay to catch chicks with her, an old yin eagle.” Qin Yanan accidentally He said what he usually said to curse Su Mei in his heart, but it only affected his image too much, so he hurriedly covered it up incoherently.
Liu Changan stretched out his finger and flicked Qin Yanan’s forehead. The hatred between the two people was really inextricable. Even though Su Mei was far away in Antarctica, Qin Yanan did not relax much and still regarded Su Mei as her number one enemy.
Qin Yanan touched his forehead, a little embarrassed, and walked out of the kitchen with the dinner plate, ready to take a shower. He had sweated a little in the kitchen just now, and maybe the light fragrance was not pleasant enough.
/Liu Changan went to the tool room to see if there were any sheep-taming tools he could find.
After a while, Zhu Juntang, who was eating dessert, saw Liu Changan walking out of the tool room. He was walking to the upstairs balcony with some sticks and bamboo strips and a windproof tarpaulin in his hand.
Zhu Juntang quickly followed him to see what he was going to do.
“What are you going to do? Are you making a tool for catching strange beasts tonight?” Zhu Juntang stood in front of Liu Changan, watching him cut open the bamboo strips with his bare hands, then stretched out his hand to smooth out t

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