ted to open this path. How could Wang Xuan let his opponents do what they wanted?


Although he himself wanted to open up this road, it was not today. There was a thumping sound from the opposite side. It was a powerful treasure bombarding him. If an unknown enemy is really introduced, in a short period of time, the opponent may not be completely “corrected” by this vast universe.
The enemy cannot be allowed to enter the border in large numbers, otherwise he and the Royal Dao Spear may not be able to stop him, and he may be killed, and the so-called whaling will become a reality.
“The road can be opened, but the time is wrong.” He had to stop it!
Wang Xuan held a gun to deal with the half of the Heavenly Dao inserted in the crack. It was vibrating violently and wanted to penetrate the road.
In the distance, the other half of the heavenly sword cut through time and space at high speed, and when it got close, it struck at Wang Xuan.
At the same time, many Star Destroyers came near this cosmic rift, with full firepower, aiming at this place to attack crazily.
There is no doubt that this area is extremely important to the enemies. They must penetrate this ancient passage no matter the cost.
This is forcing Yu Dao Qiang to break out of the rules of the Dao, protect itself, protect Wang Xuan, and use its expansion power to open the cosmic passage.
“Control the power of the runes!” Wang Xuan restrained his magic body, and the Royal Dao Spear shortened to two meters in length. The hazy Dao runes only wrapped the two of them, tearing open the space-time vortex and submerging into it.
“Broken knife!” The man and gun merged into one, with murderous intent, appearing from the vortex of time and space to capture the broken knife.
Amidst the clanging sound, the Royal Dao Spear emitted Dao patterns, imprisoning the half of the Heavenly Sword with the handle, and there were fragments of fire on it, which were rolled over.
This is the key thing. After getting the broken knife and depriving it of the fire fragments, even if the other half of the sky knife sinks into the crack, it will become a rootless duckweed. How long can it be revived?
/One man, one gun, and a broken knife sank into the vortex of time and space, disappeared from here, and came to the outside of the fog, violently bursting out order runes and killing those battleships.
In the process, the Royal Dao Spear peeled off the fire fragments and snatched them away.
Moreover, accompanied by the fierce sound of the sword, this half of the big red sky sword dimmed.
“I shook away the consciousness on the broken knife.” Yu Dao Qiang informed.
“The consciousness of that Heavenly Sword was obliterated?” Wang Xuan asked.
“No, the other half of the severed knife still has its consciousness group. It is immortal and will be fully restored after a period of cultivation.”
Prohibited items of this level are truly indestructible. Only by capturing their dao pattern consciousness and other components as a whole and continuously refining them with stronger treasures can th

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