ukong wanted to cover his mouth.


On the ground in the limbo area, some people were stunned when they heard Kong Xuan’s voice. Who was he scolding?
In the adjacent area, a few strangers also heard it!
“Let me go, he must be scolding the true saint! I don’t see how he can survive in this era. It is difficult for him to survive in the world after desecrating the saint. After the death of the true saint in Wujie Mountain, he must be deduced. It’s hard to survive!” Someone came to the conclusion that Kong Xuan must die.
The Old True Saint of Wujie Mountain used extraordinary means and concealed it with secret methods. They were not targeted by hell for the time being and sent them to the edge of hell in one step. There is a secret road directly to Wujie Mountain.
At this moment, a more fierce battle broke out in the depths of hell, breaking mountains and rivers, and even many of the so-called immortal cities in hell were wiped out.
At the same time, the half of the list was punched out again and rushed out of a broken mountain, but this time it did not stop and broke through the “balance wall” with a swipe and entered the heaven-level area.
Whoosh whoosh!
Several True Saints, as well as the Blood-covered True Saint of Five Tribulations Mountain, rushed in and changed the battlefield.
The paper did not stop, crossed the super world area, and escaped towards the alien area. This is to connect the cross-realm!
On the way, the aura of the true saint was erupting, improving, and reviving rapidly.
Wang Xuan looked back and sighed, the old true saint in hell was probably going to die.
“Let’s go, the ancestor said, the true saints who came to hell in those dojos are all incarnations.” The stranger Wukong said.
/“What?!” Wang Xuan was surprised.
“Actually, our true saint came to hell as an incarnation.” Wu Kong whispered. When he left just now, the old true saint of Wujie Mountain told him personally.
Wang Xuan was in a daze.
“The true saint will not visit hell in person. It is a bit unpredictable here. Besides, once he is cut off from his return journey, it is easy for him to have an accident.” Wukong said.
Then he got sad.
Because Lao Zhen Sage told him that if he dies now, all the Five Tribulations Mountains and the whole family will die with him, and no one will be left. He has to hold on for a few more years even if he bites the bullet.
In the present world, as long as he does not suppress Tao Xing, as long as he is not destroyed, no one dares to really touch the Five Tribulations Mountain system.
He is searching, hoping to find a “pure land” for his disciples to live in.
If there is really no way out and no one is willing to take in these disciples, then in the end, the people of the Five Tribulations Mountain lineage will have no choice but to resign themselves to their fate.
Wu Kong’s voice was low: “The True Saint said that he will last until the middle of this era at most. At that time, he will take away a True Saint!”
Wang Xuan was silent. In the middle of this era, he was still powerless and cou

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