nquility, the stability of chakras, and the harmony between movement and stillness are the most important things!


I don’t ask you to practice all the five internal organs and chakras, but only practice the heart fire. Why don’t you practice one more kidney water technique? You also know that the meeting of the dragon and the tiger is the key to internal refining, so why do you only see the blue dragon but not the white tiger? Water, fire, and kanli adjust lead and mercury, and there are already yin and yang in them. This is the right path of Huangya Dan!
Half-understood, half-understood, only seeing the joy of practicing the devil’s way. If you want your eyes to become green and emerald one day, just continue to ignore it. Even the fools of the Sword Sect know that their swordsmanship is extremely good. When they are together, they should be harmonized with the phase of opening the sky. Only those who are cultivating in Yungang should seek out the Qi of Earthly Evil.
Also, as for your awkward temper right now, Chu Weiyang, please think about it carefully, are you born with such an awkward temper? Or did he drive himself crazy because of running away all the way? Or was it because he was stimulated by the poisonous elixir of water, and his heart was blazing with fire, which made his mind more and more scorched, so that his thoughts were not pure at all?
At the moment, it is just a disharmony in cultivation, but if you encounter someone in the future and get into a life-or-death fight, Chu Weiyang, this will be the key to your life!
After receiving these few words from my aunt, go and be happy! When practicing in the mountains, how many people would kowtow their heads from morning to night after hearing these words! ”
Just as he said this, Chu Weiyang’s hand slowly came to the edge of the magic sword.
After having enough of the addiction, Chun Yuzhi seemed to have regrets, and her words suddenly stopped.
“I won’t say anything, just take your hands away!”
Hearing this, Chu Weiyang turned his wrist and used his fingertips to tease the sword spike.
But once he was given guidance and his mind was clear, in an instant, Chu Weiyang’s inner fire was completely gone, and his mind and thoughts were filled with agility and purity.
“No matter how you say it, Miss Zhi, I still want to thank you for your advice. No matter it sounds good or bad, I will remember this good thing.”
The next day, early morning.
/Still in the bedroom, still on the wide wooden table.
However, all the medicine bottles and wooden boxes placed last night were gone. What was placed in front of Chu Weiyang were plates after plates of delicious seafood delicacies.
If you rely on the mountains, you will eat the mountains; if you rely on the sea, you will eat the sea.
Those foods originating from the sea only require a little cooking to become delicious and fragrant. What is particularly valuable is that due to the abundant mass production in the sea, such delicacies only need a very low price. Teach people to feast happily.
Even if this is a pe

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