again, but you also lost. To be precise, we both lost.”


After saying that, Ye Zhiqiu hung up the phone.
He believed that the other party would fight back soon.
Just as Ye Zhiqiu imagined.
Ye Zhiqiu said angrily: “I lost a hundred yuan.”
Yin Dong said: “This song is well written, Xianyu, not bad.”
Ye Zhiqiu took a deep breath and said, “Do you know how old this fish is this year?”
“How old?”
“I haven’t graduated from college yet this year!”
Yin Dong said almost subconsciously.
Ye Zhiqiu shook his head: “I don’t believe it either, but Zheng Jing told me this personally.”
As Ye Zhiqiu finished saying this, the other person on the phone fell silent, seeming to be digesting the news.
/After a long time, Yin Dong whispered: “Another Lu Sheng?”
Lu Sheng is one of Blue Star’s Qudads.
He became famous at a young age. He became a gold medal composer at the age of 22. He won 12 consecutive championships on the season charts at the age of 32 and became a music dad. He created the record of the youngest music dad in Blue Star. He is recognized as a genius in the Blue Star composing world. !
And at this time.
It seems that someone is heading in the same direction.
Ye Zhiqiu said with emotion: “It’s hard to say, but he has this potential, that’s why I called you so late. Now the juniors are getting more and more powerful. If we old guys die, we should die together.”
/Yin Dong ignored Ye Zhiqiu’s teasing, but said in a low voice. No one knew what Yin Dong was thinking at the moment.
Perhaps some insiders with strong business capabilities can also come to similar judgments.
But such people are a minority after all.
More people still judge the form through the season rankings.
Or maybe the amount of attention this season is just too great. Qin Qi Music officials actually released the list the next morning, which was a disguised change in the rules of the list.
And in front of this list.
It is destined to shock countless people!
Nothing else.
What follows is no longer important!
Because the most unexpected situation has happened, unexpected enough to make countless people in the industry exclaim in disbelief in front of their computers:
No more reasons are needed.
Just because Yin Dong and Ye Zhiqiu are known as Qu Dads in the circle!
Can bear fruit
“Damn it, something big happened!”
“Are my eyes deceived?”
“Xianyu killed two Qu dads?”
“I actually witnessed the overturning of two Qu dads. Who else can stop this fish!?”
“The last time Qu Dad turned over was a few years ago, right?”
“Isn’t this fish too scary?”
“You call this a fish? This is a great white shark! What did I say before? Isn’t Xianyu the trumpet of some Qu daddy!”
“Playing fish to eat tiger?”
“What are you talking about? I’ve lost 30,000!”
“Fortunately, I didn’t place a bet, but as far as I know, our manager bet more than 100,000 yuan. Although I don’t know who he bet specifically, I guarantee that he didn’t bet Xianyu.”
“What kind of mentality do those oppressing Xianyu have!”
“I don’t know what is th

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