Tu Qingqing. She sighed slightly, but then she was still extremely excited. He pulled Tu Qingqing over and asked questions.


Of course, Wei Xiaobei felt the most embarrassed at this moment.
No way, this is the consequence of not being able to control your lower body.
/Of course, it would be fine if Wei Xiaobei was the kind of ruthless guy who pulls dicks, but he happened to be a little soft in this regard, which led to the current situation.
Fortunately, all the women who had sexual intercourse with Wei Xiaobei were not the kind to be without eyes, so the situation that worried Wei Xiaobei did not happen.
After a sumptuous dinner, everyone went back to their rooms.
There were many empty rooms in this giant villa, but the rooms of Li Lanxing, Zhang Tiantian and the girls were arranged in rooms adjacent to Wei Xiaobei’s on the first floor. Tu Qingqing was the main room, so there was no need to arrange separate rooms.
After returning to the room, Wei Xiaobei wiped his forehead with cold sweat.
No way, the girls were too enthusiastic during the meal.
Except for Tu Qingqing, the other girls were vying for beauty, and they all served Wei Xiaobei with food, so that Wei Xiaobei’s rice bowl was like a towering volcano.
If Wei Xiaobei didn’t have an unusual appetite, he might have died tonight.
“Husband, what’s wrong? The food tonight is not delicious?”
Tu Qingqing looked at Wei Xiaobei’s appearance and couldn’t help but chuckle.
“Delicious? I almost died of swelling.”
Regarding Tu Qingqing, Wei Xiaobei didn’t have so many scruples. He would just say whatever he wanted without worrying that Tu Qingqing would be angry.
It has to be said that Tu Qingqing is the ultimate wife in Wei Xiaobei’s mind.
The four words “virtuous and virtuous” can be applied to Tu Qingqing.
But what Wei Xiaobei didn’t expect was Tu Qingqing’s next words: “Who told you to provoke so many girls?”
Oh, Wei Xiaobei has forgotten that although Tu Qingqing is generous, she is still a woman.
As a woman, no matter how virtuous she is, she will not be willing to share her husband with others.
Tu Qingqing’s words are quite good. If it were a modern woman, Wei Xiaobei would have been kneeling on the keyboard and adding a CPU.
Wei Xiaobei thought about his wife’s anger and whether he should make a vow not to provoke other girls in the future.
To be honest, Wei Xiaobei really has no intention of becoming the master of the harem, but some things happen without his own will.
Before Wei Xiaobei’s oath could be uttered, Tu Qingqing floated over and gently hugged Wei Xiaobei’s waist. She pressed her cheek against Wei Xiaobei’s chest, and a warm atmosphere immediately spread out.
After a long time, Tu Qingqing looked up at Wei Xiaobei and said, “Since your husband has left a love debt, you can’t let those sisters down. Why don’t you accept them all?”
Nani! ? ?
Wei Xiaobei felt that his two brains were not enough at this time.
What did Tu Qingqing say? Received them all?
No, it’s probably because the way your ears listen is wrong. Please resta

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