arts and didn’t know much about traditional Chinese martial arts. But just from the battles between the middle-aged man and the gangsters, it could be seen that this middle-aged man’s kung fu was not low.


More than twenty gangsters were beaten to a pulp by him. With every punch and kick, the gangsters would fly out and it would be difficult to get up from lying on the ground.
Of course, the middle-aged man faced too many gangsters, and the terrain was quite complicated. By accident, a gangster lay on the ground and hit the middle-aged man’s leg with a steel pipe.
After receiving this blow, the middle-aged man frowned and sweat broke out on his forehead.
The leg injury had a great impact on the middle-aged man. In the subsequent fights, the middle-aged man was hit by the steel pipe from time to time, allowing the gangsters to gain the upper hand.
Seeing the middle-aged man in decline, whether it was because he had previously had the idea of ??becoming a disciple or because he couldn’t stand the methods of these gangsters, Wei Xiaobei couldn’t just sit idly by.
Pulling up a bench, Wei Xiaobei rushed up and hit a gangster who had his back turned to him.
/If it was a fishman, Wei Xiaobei would just open the gourd.
But this gangster is still a human being no matter how guilty he is, and Wei Xiaobei cannot just kill him like this.
The bench hit the gangster’s neck, causing him to collapse in an instant.
By the time the gangsters outside reacted, Wei Xiaobei had already knocked the three gangsters to the ground.
Then those gangsters surrounded Wei Xiaobei.
In the following battle, Wei Xiaobei no longer had the energy to pay attention to the middle-aged man.
The five gangsters held steel pipes and kept hitting Wei Xiaobei. Wei Xiaobei could only use the bench to sweep them back and forth to force them away.
The skills of these gangsters are not weak, they must have been specially trained, so if they were approached by these gangsters, Wei Xiaobei would not be able to resist.
“Police! Stop it!”
“Police! If anyone moves, I’ll shoot!”
Just when Wei Xiaobei felt that he was about to be overwhelmed, the sound of a car braking suddenly came from the distance, followed by the sound of a door opening and loud shouts at the same time.
The police are here.
As mentioned before, Cuihu City, as one of the top large cities in Sichuan Province, cannot tolerate gangsters being so arrogant in the market.
So after receiving the call, the police arrived quickly.
Seeing the police arriving, the gangsters didn’t dare to continue. They turned around and ran away one by one. Even more than a dozen gangsters who were knocked to the ground limply by the middle-aged man struggled desperately to get up.
There were more than twenty gangsters, but only a few were lucky enough to escape. The remaining gangsters were all caught. Anyone who tried to escape and was caught suffered some hardships.
Even Wei Xiaobei and the middle-aged man were handcuffed by the police, put in a police car and locked up with the gangsters.
Once you try

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