jet can throw you away just as soon as you take off.


But Wei Xiaobei insisted on this, and the pilot also said that he would obey Mr. Wei’s orders on all matters.
In the end, Wei Xiaobei had to carry an umbrella bag before being reluctantly agreed to get on the fighter jet.
/The fighter jet took off, and what surprised the ground crew was that Wei Xiaobei, who originally thought he would be thrown off, sat motionless on it. Even after the fighter took off, at such high speed, the opponent was still facing towards him. The men waved.
Is this a human being?
Is it a monster?
Not to mention the officers on the aircraft carrier who saw this scene, the soldiers were talking a lot. After the fighter jets circled the aircraft carrier fleet to express their gratitude, they then turned to the direction of Java.
As usual, after advancing a certain distance, the fighter began to accelerate.
To be honest, the pilot was really worried. Just thinking about it, he knew how a normal human being could sit safely on a fighter jet at such a high speed!
Especially now, with supersonic flight, the speed of fighter jets has reached more than Mach 2!
At such a speed, if any part of the fighter jet is not firmly connected, it will be thrown away in an instant.
But when the pilot turned around and looked, his eyes widened.
Wei Xiaobei sat comfortably on the fighter jet. When he saw the pilot, he turned his head and gave a thumbs up to the pilot, to the effect of praising the pilot for flying well.
Well, the mission I received today made the pilot’s outlook a little confusing.
Two hours later, some small black spots appeared on the sea in the distance.
Wei Xiaobei knew that those should be some islands and reefs on the edge of Java Kingdom.
After lightly patting the outer shell of the fighter jet to attract the pilot’s attention, Wei Xiaobei waved his hand and then jumped off the fighter jet with a slight jump.
Does this guy know how to use an umbrella bag?
At this time, the pilot suddenly remembered a problem and hurriedly turned the plane’s nose to check Wei Xiaobei’s condition.
What shocked the pilot was that Mr. Wei did not use a parachute at all at this time, and slowly walked down to the sea as if taking a leisurely stroll.
What’s going on?
To be honest, if possible, the pilots would like to lower the fighter jet lower to see what is going on.
Unfortunately, this place is already very close to the border of Java. From the information fed back by the instrument, it can be seen that he has been discovered by Java’s air defense radar. I am afraid that it won’t be long before a Java fighter jet appears to warn him. By myself.
Of course, even if there were no such problems, the pilot would still have to return.
You know, although this fighter jet has two additional large fuel tanks, it has already consumed three-fifths of all fuel when flying here!
In other words, the tanker on the aircraft carrier needs to be refueled in the air when returning. Otherwise, it will not even be able to fly to the location of the aircraft

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