e my own decisions when it comes to relationships. My parents have very little influence on me, and they also know about this. matter.


“So during this period, rather than banning me from going out, especially banning me from meeting you, they hope that I can calm down and think about it.”
“What’s the result of your consideration?” Hel asked with a smile. In fact, he already knew the answer. If Lida didn’t want to see him again, she wouldn’t have come here in a hurry.
He was answered with a tight hug and a passionate kiss.
“I want you to see something.” Hel whispered into Lida’s ear: “By the way, let’s see how brave you are.”
The taxi brought the two people into the city. Hel and Lida got off the carriage in front of an alley. This alley extended in all directions. Hel pulled Leda into the alley.
By the time they came out from the other end, Hull had already transformed into a little old man, and Lida had also changed into an ordinary female worker’s clothes. She also wore a wig on her head, completely covering up her original appearance. A head of conspicuous red hair.
/Not far away is the place where Hull serves as a hidden entrance. The gate deep in the alley is always locked. Hull uses the only key to open the lock.
As a carport, it seemed quite tight. Once the door was closed, it was dark inside. Fortunately, there was an oil lamp hanging on the wall next to it.
Turning on the lamp, I saw a carriage parked inside. It was a quite ordinary carriage that could be seen everywhere on the street.
Hull pressed hard on the wall and saw a row of stone slabs behind the carriage sliding away silently, revealing a staircase sloping downward. A safety miner’s lamp was hung on the wall on the right side of the staircase. .
“Follow me carefully.” Hel picked up the miner’s lamp and walked down the stairs. After hesitating for a moment, Lida quickly followed suit. After the two of them reached the bottom, Hel pressed the wall again, only the top of her head was visible. The secret door above closed again.
Ahead is a passage more than twenty meters long, and the passage is very narrow, only wider than shoulder width, and the height is the same as a mine shaft.
Drilling out of the tunnel was the mine. Hull took out a small hammer from his pocket, pointed it at the mine wall and tapped it gently. While tapping, he said to Lida: “Wait a while, you will see something you have never seen before.” It’s a creature, but you must not be afraid, because although that creature looks scary, it is actually very docile and it is my most powerful assistant.”
While he was talking, there was a very soft rustling sound in the distance, and in the blink of an eye, a long, quickly squirming thing came over here.
Just when Leda was about to scream, Hel, who was well prepared, covered her mouth and gently stroked her back, trying to calm her down.
After a while, Hull took away the hand covering his mouth, and gently patted the starlight earthworm on its back.
“Don’t be afraid, you can think of it as a dragon. The prince who loves you ha

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