s gone through all kinds of hardships and conquered this ferocious dragon. He is riding this dragon standing at your window, and is about to welcome you to ride with him. Get on the dragon’s back.” Hel said in a low and seductive voice.


“Didn’t you just say that it was docile? Why are you saying that it is a ferocious dragon now?” Lida had obviously gotten rid of her fear, and she said with a forced smile.
Pulling Lida to sit on the back of the Starlight Earthworm, Hel let Lida sit in his arms. He wrapped Lida up like a seat. To be fair, the Starlight Earthworm crawled quite smoothly, but there was no way to move it. A saddle or seat is attached to its body.
The two of them rode on the back of this giant earthworm. Hull led Lida to inspect the secret base he had built. Of course, he did not intend to enter the mine tunnel that was too deep. The gloomy and secluded world deep in the mine tunnel. The feeling of isolation can drive people crazy.
“This is the core of the base. There is a small factory, a training room for combat training, and a training room for shooting training. In addition, there are two warehouses, one for stacking materials, and the other There is room for stacking tools.”
“You might be scared over there, because I turned it into a stable. In addition to this starlight earthworm, I also raised some bats and other things, which are not creatures you will like.”
/“This leads directly to where I live, and the entrance is guarded by my hunting dogs.”
“In addition to the entrance I just came in from, I have several other hidden entrances. This is one of them, and above this entrance is a warehouse.”
Hull pointed and explained, still holding in his hand the map that had been smeared beyond recognition and covered with various marks.
“What do these red crosses and the red lines behind the red crosses mean?” Lida asked, “Are they signs of danger?”
Hull was slightly startled. He glanced at the map and saw that there were seventeen or eight such marks.
“These are mine tunnels that have collapsed. The red lines indicate that I have not explored them yet,” Hull said.
Suddenly he remembered something and continued: “Just in time to show you how powerful the starlight earthworm is. It digs holes with ease. No tool can compare with it.”
As he spoke, he patted the obsidian-like back of the Starlight Earthworm with his palm, and the huge earthworm immediately crawled toward the depths of one of the mine tunnels.
A pile of stones of various sizes blocked the entire passage ahead. Those large rocks cannot be moved by just relying on individual strength, while the small rocks are staggered together, and the gaps between them are completely filled with soil.
Hull once again took out the small hammer and knocked it twice against the blocked rock wall. The starlight earthworm immediately crawled up and aimed the radial gold wires at the top of its head at the spot where Hull struck.
As a dazzling golden light shone, the pile of randomly stacked rocks immediately turned into flying white dust.

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