has Sequence 6 and does not have the corresponding magical items, maybe someone will challenge this task.”


“Well, I’m not sure.” Klein spread his hands and said, “Then I can only work hard to save myself. What can I buy with 400 pounds? Well, it’s the magical item you just mentioned.”
“Believe me, the magical items you can buy for 400 pounds will definitely not be able to deal with your enemies, and may even bring you additional danger. I suggest you apologize to the other party, sincerely. Maybe 400 pounds can buy his understanding. .” The old gentleman with “Eye of Wisdom” gave sincere advice.
Frankly speaking, I have considered it, but I don’t think they will accept it. Just as Klein was about to answer, the man who had previously accepted the task of cleaning up the sewer beasts suddenly smiled and said:
“Maybe you can try your luck.”
“I have a magical item here, and I’ll sell it to you for 400 pounds.”
“It allows you to hear the voice of a great being. If you are lucky and interpret useful information from it, you will become very powerful. Protecting yourself is no longer a problem. Well, if you are unlucky and interpret the is a curse, or cannot be deciphered, you will be harmed or even killed.”
“Do you want to take a gamble?”
/Before he finished speaking, the old man “Eye of Wisdom” roared in a low voice: “Black Snake, don’t mention that ominous item of yours.”
“Black Snake” chuckled and said:
“I didn’t lie. I didn’t violate the rules here. I told him the advantages and disadvantages and let him choose. Well, the probability of interpreting useful information is only about 10%. Do you want to bet?”
The Russian roulette in the extraordinary world heard the voice of the great being. This is the “Listener” of the Aurora Society. It corresponds to the “Secret Prayer” in Sequence 8. Items left behind after the “Listener” lost control. Klein looked at the “Listener” suspected of being a member of the Aurora Society. Black snake” reminds me of many things.
Maybe I can take a gamble. No, it can’t be called a gamble, because I want to bring this item above the gray fog and use it again. I can already bring the real object above the gray fog. In this way, the harm can be avoided to the greatest extent. However, this is only a relic of a Sequence 8 Beyonder, and the corresponding harvest may not be much better. 400 pounds is not cheap. Thoughts flashed, Klein solemnly nodded and said:
/“make a deal.”
The atmosphere in the living room, lit only by one candle, was as silent as a solid.
After several seconds, the man who seemed to be the “pharmacist” muttered:
“Why don’t you leave your address so I can still get something from your body.”
It looked like a curse, but it was actually an exhortation to Klein. He pretended not to understand, looked at the “Black Snake” and said:
“If I don’t gamble, I have no chance of living. If I gamble, at least there is some hope.”
“I’m not going to sit around and wait for death to come.”
After hearing these words, the old man “Eye of Wisdom” who was about to speak clos

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