that the other party would think like this:


“What is that diary? That is Russell’s diary where he records his secrets. Even Mr. Fool values ??it.”
“Well, I remember Miss Audrey had some, wait, those diaries of hers were bitten by dogs just a few days ago.”
“What a coincidence”
In order to prevent the other party from thinking this way, Audrey hoped to hide it for at least another week.
After becoming a “mind reader”, she could not only directly see the target’s aura and emotional color, read shallow-level thoughts, but also initially simulate other people’s thinking. As a result, she realized one thing, that is In the process of “guiding” others, try not to behave abruptly and illogically and rationally. Only when all the details are soft and reasonable enough that the target cannot even notice that he is being guided or arranged can he be considered a qualified “mind reader.” By”.
“Soft” and “reasonable” are the two most important words, Audrey concluded in her heart.
She went to look through Russell’s “notes” again just to avoid being unreasonable.
As expected of a “mind reader”, he had long recognized Miss Magician as one of the two people he recommended. Klein smiled noncommittally and said:
“What do you hope to exchange for those three pages of your diary?”
He was quite confident in asking this question, because after obtaining the Book of Secrets, his biggest shortcoming in the field of mysticism has been made up, and he has mastered a lot of knowledge about the mysteries and sequences of other gods, and he can just throw them out. They can all handle Miss Justice.
Not to mention the “psychiatrist’s” formula, my good friend Klein complained in his mind.
Audrey had thought about this problem for a long time, and said reservedly for a second:
“Mr. Fool, I want to ask a question, why is it said that the blasphemy card hides the mystery of the gods?”
Good question. Klein chuckled to himself, and said in a low and gentle voice as if he was giving you a look so you can understand it yourself:
“Sequence 0, Black Emperor.”
There is Sequence 0 and Sequence 0. Above Sequence 1 is Sequence 0, which is the sequence representing the gods. The “Black Emperor” is the god. A series of questions suddenly emerged in Audrey’s mind.
This surprised and delighted her, satisfied and shocked her
Suppressing her inner excitement and unconcealable excitement, she took a breath and revealed the three pages of Russell’s diary.
Klein took it in his hand and took a quick glance to confirm that it was not the ones he had seen:
/“On February 23, 1143, it has been more than a week since I traveled to this world. I have to write something and express certain things, otherwise I feel like I will go crazy.”
“Hey, I write in simplified Chinese. No one can understand it. The world is full of alphabetic characters.”
“I am Russell Gustav now, but I will never forget my real name.”
/“Huang Tao”
“I don’t know exactly how I traveled through time. I thought about it carefully for a long time, and then I remembered that a few days b

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