he Kingdom of Stone


he Kingdom of Stone
. At that time, I will definitely give priority to the Lincoln Business Alliance where Sir Dick belongs.”
Dick looked constipated. All countermeasures were abandoned. He even backed off and changed the original plan. Unexpectedly, in the end, he got it. This turned out to be such a result.
/Lin Yun has said everything that needs to be said, so what else can he say? Things in short supply should be given priority to his collaborators. Who else can say anything? No one can pick out a thorn in the side. He can only say that the reputation of Gilded Rose is good. , Nostalgia, this kind of person is the most suitable to be a collaborator. You never have to worry about kicking the collaborator away when the other party has greater interests. I
didn’t expect to be rejected, let alone refuse with the excuse that the output is too low, Dick Head It almost exploded, and I didn’t think about how to continue the negotiation. It was a perfect reason, an impeccable reason
. And everyone knew the reason. Everyone knew that the production of the gold-plated rose’s universal core was very low, and the supply was always in short supply.
No one would think that gold-plated roses can be mass-produced. A universal core, even if it is a large-scale transaction for collaborators, the best price is only 50,000 purple gold coins, and the retail price in the store is eight Thousands of purple gold coins.
Anyone can imagine how high the profit is, but it is definitely not low anyway. With such a high profit, the supply exceeds the demand, so gold-plated roses naturally sell as many as they have, and if one is sold, they will be worth a lot of purple gold coins.
“Your Excellency Dick came here in person and made your trip in vain. I’m really sorry. I can make the decision and pull out twenty universal cores. And as long as Your Excellency Dick pays the price of our gold-plated rose collaborator, fifty thousand purple One gold coin.
I hope Sir Dick won’t be too short. These twenty coins are already the limit I can produce at present.”
A smile appeared on Dick’s face. Naturally, the Lincoln Merchant Alliance also bought the universal core, but it was only at a high price. Ten of them were recovered. Every time the Gold-Plated Rose sold the Universal Core, the people in the Lincoln Merchant Alliance couldn’t buy even one.
I didn’t pay attention to it at first, but when I paid attention to it, something happened to the universal core. Many people began to return the gold-plated rose. At this time, there were naturally other people who wanted to buy it. Unfortunately, there have been too many messy things recently.
It is difficult to gain the trust of those buyers even if the bid is high. Either they will return the gold-plated roses, or they will be snatched up by others early.
Nowadays, Gold-Plated Rose no longer sells universal cores at all, and it has become very difficult to buy one. Being able to buy it for twenty yuan at a time is definitely the biggest deal you can buy on the market now.

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