

And it turns out that not all of the history predicted by Agalon has come true. The history that cannot be changed has been changed many times. Who knows whether we will encounter a powerful and terrifying person in the endless void? The starry sky monster is so powerful that it can distort time and change the trajectory of history.
No one can be sure about killing Agalon. Now that he finally heard the news of Agalon’s return, Lin Yun couldn’t help but let out a long sigh, and then immediately Fly to Starry Sky Academy.
There are too many questions to ask Agalon, too many questions to ask Agalon.
What exactly did Agallon encounter and what happened in the endless void?
Have you seen any new prophecy scenes again? Are there any new clues to the truth? Are there any new
changes in the natural demiplane? Are they good or bad? Are there any problems with the direction of development?
Unknowingly, During this time, many things seemed to have changed, and emotions seemed to slowly become different.
Lin Yun flew all the way to the Starry Sky Academy. The sky knights patrolling the Starry Sky Academy pretended not to see it when they saw it was Lin Yun. Lin Yun has a very good relationship with the three deans of the Starry Sky Academy, especially Dean Gandalf. Many times Gandalf was seen taking Lin Yun in person.
As long as the brain is not broken, everyone knows that the Forbidden Sky Formation and the Forbidden Sky Order of Starry Sky Academy are of little use to Lin Yun.
We flew all the way to the depths of Starry Sky Academy and found Gandalf’s small building, just in time to see Gandalf walking out of it.
“Lord Merlin, you’re here just in time. I heard that you don’t seem to be in the city of Neverwinter, and I’m a little worried that you won’t be able to make it.”
Gandalf hurriedly walked out, and when he saw Lin Yun, he was about to open the door to space and take Lin Yun away. .
Lin Yun quickly grabbed Gandalf.
“Dean Gandalf, Lord Agallon is back? And where are you going now?”
/Gandalf was stunned for a moment, as if he didn’t understand why Lin Yun would ask such a question.
“Dean Gandalf, I haven’t been in the world of Northrend these days. I don’t know what happened. I have never seen Lord Agallon.”
Gandalf shook his head.
“Master Agalon is indeed back, and Master Agalon was not injured. Everything is fine. It’s just that he accidentally discovered something else.
Where we are going now is to attend a meeting. This time There are many top powerhouses among the people in the meeting. There are three powerhouses on the same level as Lord Agallon.
And this time, Lord Agallon personally ordered you to attend this meeting. Okay. Don’t ask any more questions. You will know when the time comes. We must leave now.”
After Gandalf finished speaking, he did not give Lin Yun a chance to ask questions again. He opened a space door and pulled Lin. The cloud disappeared into Starry Sky Academy.
When he walked out of the space gate again, he saw an endless grassland. No ordinary mon

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