n a low voice.


n a low voice.
Ling’er and others helped one by one, loaded the wounded into the carriage, and quickly drove the horses, which were already screaming with fright, to flee far away.
Lin Xin couldn’t hold back even though he was holding the sword, and completely unleashed the suppressed power.
That sword move may be regarded as his most powerful move in history. When using the divine shadow in the unicorn state, the superposition of the two is by no means as simple as one plus one equals two.
/Relying on his attainments in the formation talisman, he broke through the formation with one sword before the Demon God Boy had fully gathered his strength. In the end, there was no major change in hallucinations and corruption caused by killing.
This result is supposed to be the best, but his heart is still churning at this moment. The terrifying murderous intent is like a wild beast that may overturn all reason at any time.
“Even if you only use spiritual energy, will it trigger such a degree of backlash from You Mansion?”
Lin Xin stood on the spot with a look of indifference.
He didn’t want to become a killing tool of You Mansion, so he could only endure the sequelae as much as possible.
when he raised his hand, the corruption on his arm had obviously expanded further. This outbreak was not without its impact after all.
“You are almost at your limit.”
A familiar yet unfamiliar voice suddenly appeared in his ears.
Lin Xin turned around suddenly and saw a blurry and silvery shadow appearing beside him.
“Red Leaf Sword Master” he whispered.
“Do you still remember what I gave you?” the voice of the Red Leaf Sword Master continued.
“Now I am communicating with you through the power of Youfu. Take out the ones I gave you and eat them. You will have a chance to temporarily suppress your physical condition for five years.”
“Five years!” Lin Xin remembered the previous time. The bag of things given to him by Red Leaf Sword Master was filled with silvery little mouse-like fruits.
“That’s right. My things can suppress you for five years. During these five years, you must let go and improve yourself as much as possible without worrying about Youfu hallucinations and body corruption. After that, everything will return to normal.” Hongye whispered.
Lin Xin glanced at Ling’er and others who were approaching quickly, as if they were here to ask him to leave together, but their voices, the sound of fire around them, and the loud sounds of formations exploding and destroying in the sky were not heard at all. into his ears. It was as if there were silent pantomime all around.
Moreover, the escort and others did not see the Red Leaf Sword Master who was so close at hand. It seemed that he was the only one who could see it.
“Remember, you only have five years, don’t waste the relaxation you have won. If you want to get rid of them completely, you must first learn how to survive.”
After the words fell, the figure of the Red Leaf Sword Master slowly disappeared.
Above the forest in the distance.

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