ty water, his body will probably be destroyed in an instant. It was completely melted. This powerful aura should be ranked 132 on the Baiye Mingshui Ten Thousand Waters List, which specializes in protecting the body!”


ty water, his body will probably be destroyed in an instant. It was completely melted. This powerful aura should be ranked 132 on the Baiye Mingshui Ten Thousand Waters List, which specializes in protecting the body!”
The Vulcan Boy also nodded solemnly.
“I didn’t expect this old monster to be able to master such a domineering thing.”
At this time, the sewage in the air was yellowish brown, and there were faintly floating bug corpses, feces, rotten things, black mud and other disgusting and smelly things. object.
The gas it emitted evaporated, and even the sky directly above had a faint hint of yellow, and the surrounding environment was filled with a vicious stench.
The originally green vegetation, trees and grass in the valley below were rapidly turning black and dying at a speed visible to the naked eye.
The huge water column rushed directly towards Lin Xin. The water column was roaring and more than five meters thick. It was like a giant stick hitting Lin Xin.
Boom! !
There was a loud bang.
A large amount of sewage splashed out in mid-air.
A clean and calm figure clearly emerged inside, and it was Lin Xin just now.
He was holding a dark red demon sword several meters long in his hand, with a calm expression on his face, looking at the Flying Corpse King as if nothing had happened.
The defeated Ye Mingshui just now failed to achieve even the slightest effect.
At this time, he raised his feet and walked straight towards the Flying Corpse King.
“It only takes a few moments.” The Flying Corpse King narrowed his eyes, and naturally he didn’t believe that the method just now could solve the opponent in one go.
A huge yellow-brown sewage ball with a diameter of more than ten meters appeared behind him at some point.
The sky quickly turned dim, and waves of poisonous mist that defeated Ye Mingshui continued to float in the surrounding air.
“Everything is dead! Go!”
He used his killer move and pointed his finger at Lin Xin fiercely.
Suddenly, the huge water ball behind him rolled and turned, flying towards this direction with a crash. At the same time, an indescribable huge attraction spread from the surface of the water polo, pulling Lin Xin so that he could not escape.
The air was shaking, and the poisonous mist continued to spread in all directions. The green of the valley below only lasted for a moment, and then was completely transformed into gray and black, without any life left.
/“Hahaha! Die, die!”
The Flying Corpse King laughed wildly. A huge water ball flew out from behind him again. Sewage balls with a diameter of more than ten meters quickly gathered from behind him, and then flew towards Lin Xin.
Soon, more than ten water balloons flew toward Lin Xin from all sides and surrounded him from above and below.
Bang! !
There was a huge explosion of water, and more than a dozen water balloons collided together, exploding the air where Lin Xin was standing into a yellow stinky water ball.
The Baiye Mingshui, which can corrode all things, even spiritual energy and demo

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