dn’t mention when to find him.”


dn’t mention when to find him.”
He made sure that he was still there now . At the peak of human immortality, Lin Xin did not rush to test the actual lethality, but quietly packed up the formation and returned to the training tower in the small town.
There are already people arranged by Lin Yaoyang waiting for him there.
/Without any nonsense, Lin Xin quickly accepted several tasks in one direction and led the people on their way in a hurry.
Half Day Canyon.
The most dangerous place in the area guarded by the Lin family.
The frequency and intensity of demonic chaos are one of the strongest points in Qiushi. The head of the branch family, Lin Shaonan, led his people to guard here all year round, blocking the path of the demon spirits from going south for the clan family.
In a large dense black forest, Lin Xin led a group of people on yellow geldings, walking slowly and slowly towards the canyon.
Including Lin Xin himself, the team consisted of eleven people. In order to support the separated family, they have traveled hundreds of miles of mountain roads overnight using magical talismans.
Now that we were almost at our destination, we slowly slowed down and regained some of our energy.
A gray-black earthen castle can be seen faintly in front.
Lin Xin squinted his eyes and looked over. He could clearly feel the increasingly violent air approaching.
That’s the smell of demon spirits.
/“The Half Sun Canyon is ahead. Everyone, cheer up.”
He said loudly.
The team was full of people of the same generation as Lin Xin, all young people, and there were two familiar ones among them:
Lin Youke and the fat man Lin Jiaheng.
the two of them were also different from when they were children. One was slim, with long hair shawl, wearing a white tight skirt, and became more and more charming. Especially a pair of slender legs, wrapped in a white short skirt. The hem of the skirt keeps opening and closing with the ups and downs of the horse, and you can faintly see the mysterious outline inside.
Lin Jiaheng, on the other hand, completely transformed into a strong man, carrying a broad-bladed sword on his back, which was more than two meters tall.
Walking next to Lin Youke at this time, his little eyes couldn’t help but peek at the girl’s legs from time to time.
Not just him, but the other young boys in the team are all the same. Even Lin Zhou, the most staid record-keeper, was quite blushing and embarrassed.
Almost everyone’s eyes secretly fell on Lin Youke from time to time, but her eyes fell on Lin Xin with some resentment.
Lin Sheri was riding a horse in front of her, but he remained motionless and showed no intention of looking back at her.
She has always admired this young master Sheri, who has been known as a genius since she was a child. In addition, she is a somewhat ambitious person. If she can hook up with Lin Sheri and become a clan member, then she can truly get rid of it. The best method in the hands of parents. It’s a pity
. “By the way, the head of Lin Shaonan’s family is your fa

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