just by looking at the external signs, it can be seen that the guy in front of him is at most an expert level. He doesn’t even have the innate perfect temperament. It’s even an insider who piled up medicinal materials.


just by looking at the external signs, it can be seen that the guy in front of him is at most an expert level. He doesn’t even have the innate perfect temperament. It’s even an insider who piled up medicinal materials.
How dare someone like this dare to challenge him?
“It just so happens that I, Xu Chang, am here to teach you about the Lin family’s Ben Lei.” The strong young man froze before he could finish his words.
His eyes met Lin Xin’s, and for just a moment, he felt a chill all over his body, as if his whole body was frozen instantly. The muscles and bones were frozen uncontrollably, unable to move at all.
/A strong sense of fear, like a mouse encountering a snake, rushed into my heart from deep inside.
The time was only a few breaths, but he felt as if several hours had passed!
He couldn’t help but swallow, and sweat quickly wetted his underwear.
“Young Master Sheri is very good at cultivation.” The Ninth Prince was the first one to notice something was wrong. His eyes flashed and he said loudly.
/“But Brother Xu Chang is just outspoken after all. He hopes that Master Sheri will give him some face and show mercy.”
As a descendant of the royal family, the Qiushi royal family is a behemoth much more powerful than the Lin family. Although the World Association is strong, it does not belong to the Lin family, but is a huge force formed by many aristocratic families united together.
The royal family alone can compare with so many aristocratic family alliances, so it is naturally much stronger than the Lin family alone.
Therefore, as the Ninth Prince, he is not afraid of the Lin family members.
A mere head of a branch family, not yet an old man, dared to make noises in front of the bloodline of the clan.
“Don’t bother me.” Lin Xin said casually, then closed his eyes and started practicing Zhengyang Gong.
His time was precious and he had no time to pay attention to these little guys.
Then Xu Chang felt as if he had been pardoned, and ran back rolling and crawling as if he had seen a ghost.
The boys in the group all looked at Lin Xin with some fear in their eyes, while the girls had strange eyes, and they were obviously interested.
Especially the girls from small families. There were five girls from young aristocratic families present, and the way they looked at Lin Xin was obviously a little different.
The Lin family’s clan bloodline is still non-clan bloodline, so such a partner is perfect for them.
If it is a blood secreter from the Zong family, there will definitely be no role for them. The person they want to marry must be a blood secreter from at least the top ten families.
But this young master Lin Sheri is of ordinary blood without secret blood. There is no secret blood person in this generation of clan, which does not mean that the next generation born by him does not have secret blood.
In addition, the Lin family is famous for its small population and good mutual affection. If you can get along with Master Sheri, then joining the Lin family in the future will be

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