ttle of mineral water. After drinking half the bottle of water, he took apart the biscuits that could not be carried in his backpack and stuffed them into his mouth. After quickly stuffing a whole pack of biscuits into his stomach, his body felt… The hunger suddenly eased a lot.


ttle of mineral water. After drinking half the bottle of water, he took apart the biscuits that could not be carried in his backpack and stuffed them into his mouth. After quickly stuffing a whole pack of biscuits into his stomach, his body felt… The hunger suddenly eased a lot.
But Liu Gan still felt hungry, so he opened two more packages of biscuits and stuffed them into his mouth.
To be honest, the taste of these biscuits is not very good. Now Liu Gan would like to sit by the fire and eat a whole roast chicken, or a simple bowl of pickled mustard pork noodles, which are better than these biscuits.
But in this situation, it’s good to have biscuits to eat, otherwise there will definitely be problems if you stay hungry. Using the light of a lighter, he studied the production dates of the food and beverages in the supermarket, and recalled his previous conversation with the female staff of Sanyu Company when the billboard was on the shelf. Liu Gan estimated that in this game It didn’t take long for the world to change from a normal world to a zombie world.
Hundreds of thousands of players suddenly came in, plus some indigenous residents who had not turned into zombies in the original world. They must be frantically looking for food and drinking water. In this case, Liu Gan wants to find enough in the future. Food and clean water will become increasingly difficult to access.
So, just biscuits, don’t think about roast chicken, shredded pork noodles or anything like that.
The red-haired boy didn’t find anything to eat. He saw Liu Gan eating biscuits there. After smelling the aroma of the biscuits, he looked over at Liu Gan eagerly, but Liu Gan ignored him at all and only focused on eating and drinking.
/The fat man Pan Hua outside the small supermarket couldn’t help it anymore. He saw the light of Liu Qian’s lighter before, but then the light of the lighter also went out. He didn’t know what was going on inside. Pan Hua looked around the small supermarket and smelled the aroma of biscuits. He guessed that Liu Qian and the red-haired boy were already eating inside, so he quickly called for Wang Changshun and Lulu to follow them.
Lulu happened to be answering the phone when she entered the game, and her mobile phone was also brought into the game world. Although there was no signal and she couldn’t make calls, the flashlight function could be used, so she took it out to shine it and followed Pan Hua and Wang Changshun in. Arrived at the small supermarket.
/Liu Qian had finished eating. He found a flashlight in the small supermarket. He turned on the flashlight and continued to search for various supplies. Of course, they were some useful things for survival in the apocalypse, such as food, drinks, scissors, batteries, weight, etc. Although they are not big, they have their own uses. There is no need to carry anything that is too heavy.
“He packed all the food in the small supermarket into his bag.” The red-haired boy whispered to Pan Hua who walked in.
“Oh.” Pan Hua glanced at Liu Gan and did not dar

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