ad been burned into a sea of ??flames next to the gas station. They screamed and walked forward, but after taking a few steps, they all fell to the ground. Their bodies were already burned into charcoal. , it was impossible to tell who they were, but it was obvious that they were not from Xue Jian’s team, but from another team that was searching nearby.


ad been burned into a sea of ??flames next to the gas station. They screamed and walked forward, but after taking a few steps, they all fell to the ground. Their bodies were already burned into charcoal. , it was impossible to tell who they were, but it was obvious that they were not from Xue Jian’s team, but from another team that was searching nearby.
The people in Xue Jian’s team were at the center of the explosion, and all their bones were gone when the first round of explosions occurred.
Liu Gan stood up from the ground with a livid face and looked at the place where the explosion occurred. When the first explosion occurred, he clearly heard a sound similar to a grenade explosion. Therefore, this was not an accident. They were attacked by someone!
The people who attacked them didn’t seem to care about the food loaded on their vehicles, they just wanted to kill people! If Liu Qian and Zhang Shengli’s team hadn’t been heading towards the prison, a certain distance away from the gas station, they would have also been affected by the explosion!
Several other teams were not so lucky. They were all patrolling or searching for supplies near the gas station. Almost all of them were within the scope of the explosion, and their casualties were unknown. Soon, some gray men crawled out of some collapsed and burning shops and buildings. Some of them had broken arms and legs and kept screaming. Some of them were still on fire. They were rolling on the ground to save themselves.
There were also some people who were not seriously injured and immediately helped move the injured to a safe area.
“Follow me to rescue people!” Zhang Shengli yelled to the team members around him with a sad look on his face, and took the lead in rushing over and dragging out the wounded from the edge of the fire scene.
Wang Decheng, Han Guangming, and Zhang Hua helped some injured team members run out of the sea of ????fire. After they advanced to level 5, their physical fitness was much stronger than that of ordinary team members, and they were not at the center of the explosion. After being pinned by the collapsed house, they used their own body strength to quickly get out of the rubble. Regardless of their physical injuries, they immediately began to rescue other trapped people.
Zhang Shengli went in and out of the sea of ????fire several times, and his clothes caught fire several times. For the last time, he rushed into the center of the fire and dragged back Xue Jian, who was seriously injured and hiding behind a flower bed across the street and was unconscious.
The team of forty people was reduced to more than twenty people in an instant. More than half of the people rescued were lying on the ground. At least half of the people lying on the ground were seriously injured and comatose. None of them were seriously injured and comatose. At this time, They were all screaming in pain from burns and fractures.
/Li Miao quickly exhausted her healing energy. She could only use the most primitive method to simply bandage the wounded, lea

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