pils shrank. Of course he recognized that monster, it was Li Shuangmu’s symbol of evil! Looking at the “elegant” smiling face on that round head, Bai Lu felt an inexplicable chill in his heart.


pils shrank. Of course he recognized that monster, it was Li Shuangmu’s symbol of evil! Looking at the “elegant” smiling face on that round head, Bai Lu felt an inexplicable chill in his heart.
“Why does Li Shuangmu’s symbol of evil appear here?”
However, before Bai Lu could figure out the problem, a piercing sword light suddenly appeared.
/“Sword Qi!?”
Let’s talk about Yin Kuang and others. When the strong white light began to weaken, Yin Kuang and others gradually recovered their vision, and the surrounding environment gradually became clearer. In fact, the feet of Yin Kuang and others did not move at all, and even old man Zhang still maintained the posture of pushing the door. But in fact, Yin Kuang and others have arrived at another place, a completely unfamiliar place. However, although this place is unfamiliar, it is good. Compared with the rotten, dark and bloody “inner world”, this place is really like paradise, although it is also very monotonous.
In front of Yin Kuang and others is a hill that is not very steep. The hills are covered with green grass. At the top of the hill, there is a big tree, which is the only tree on the entire hill. And under the big tree, there is a small house with a door and a window, which is very warm.
As for the surroundings, it was all white and nothing could be seen.
“What an amazing space construction ability.”
Just when Yin Kuang and others were surprised by the changes in front of them, a strange voice sounded, his tone full of admiration. At first glance, it turned out to be a comatose space magician Bo Cai who was being carried by Yin Kuang and others in turn!
The next moment, Bo Cai was surrounded by Yin Kuang, Li Shuangmu and others. Although Bo Cai is indeed useless without his wand, who can be sure that he has no other means? Just like Jia Xiaoyao, with the “Lei Ling Prison Suppression Talisman” by his side, it’s hard to guarantee that Bo would have any special scrolls or other life-saving props.
After seeing the reactions of Yin Kuang and others, Bo Cai sneered, “If it were one, two, or three, I might try to resist. But facing six people, I have no chance of winning. Instead of doing something unnecessary Resist and taste the despair before death, I might as well face death directly and die with a bit more courage.”
Bo Cai’s words made Yin Kuang and others speechless.
“How much do you know about this place?” Yin Kuang asked.
Bo Cai was not stingy and said: “If my guess is right, the place we are now is the ‘field’. Tsk! Don’t think it is the ‘field’ in fantasy novels. It can be constructed directly by strong people. That is Nonsense. In the system of colleges and universities, there are only two types of enhancements that can directly construct fields. One is the ‘spiritual system manifestation’ enhancement, which is a collective name for Alessa’s abilities. The other is the ‘space system’ enhancement. In addition to this Other than that, only ‘gods’ can construct a ‘realm’! This place is a ‘realm’ that can only be formed when the ‘spiritual s

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