ty was just joking, his heart beat faster inexplicably, as if he was carrying a little rabbit.


ty was just joking, his heart beat faster inexplicably, as if he was carrying a little rabbit.
In the personal farewell of the four girls, Wang Bo, carrying several CDs and cassettes, boarded the bus bound for Sifang at Chengshi North Bus Station.
Many thanks to “Kisaragi Black Feather” and “kevinzkr” for their generous reward of 1888 starting coins each!
Thanks to “He Guangxi is in the Dust”, “Laity VIP Group”, the two brothers each contributed 588 starting coins!
Thanks also to Nishi Shengchen, yesterday and last year, Lei Zhenyu, Little Leaf in the Wind 79366, Book Friends 130124123359769, Book Friends 160517093305735, Might and Magic Wog, Cheng787, Ironwood Fairy Ruler, Swimming Whale, Pauline God, kak Do you have a nickname when you are free? A shirt on a rainy day, book friend 160509003734885, happy big potato, books as deep as the sea that can never be returned, low-key San’er, forgotten eyes, drinking with a pot of wine, common people VIP group, `~thinking~` , book friend 140420075330064, lying drunk in a boat, wolf dancing in the wind, do you have a nickname for me, smiling style “failed╮”, Might and Magic wog, cheng787, yesterday and last year, forgotten eyes, 110 cows are not cows, iron wood fairy ruler , Yellow Pages, people from Pearl River, arrogant smile messing up the world, low-key San’er, please call me boos, grab a bottle of wine when you meet, Feng 1 line, low pull a note, happy big potato, you and her are so fucking stupid, Lingxu Master, 0 Eros 0, Beginning of Winter and Summer for the generosity of 46 brothers and sisters!
Thank you to all the friends who subscribed, voted and voted!
Please recommend, please, and ask for small rewards Encouraged
/Sun Li, Zeng Siqi, Han Lin, Zhou Shu, Xu Jing and Tang Jian to follow Wang Bo to his home. Wang Bo had a stereo and power amplifier at his home, and the power amplifier was a comprehensive power amplifier that could be plugged into a microphone, but it lacked a microphone. A few days ago, he went to Chengdu to record songs. He bought two microphones from an audio equipment store near Sichuan Sound, and planned to sing karaoke in front of the TV with his god-sister at home when he was bored.
A few people thought that the three songs Wang Bo sang to Liang Ya in Class 9 in the evening were a cappella songs. At most, he would bring a guitar to accompany him, but they didn’t expect Wang Bo to throw a disc to a few people as soon as he got home.
“Don’t you want to listen to it first? Go to the living room and turn on the stereo.” Wang Bo said to several people.
“Boss, you, you also provided accompaniment for these three songs? “Tang Jian and others opened their eyes wide and looked at Wang Bo in disbelief.
“Don’t you feel good singing a cappella? So I went to the recording studio to be an accompanist! “Wang Bo shrugged his shoulders and said as if he had done something trivial. His expression and tone immediately made several girls envious and jealous to death. He said that Liang Ya was really so happy. Although they did

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