Water Plant and participated in the entire process of developing new products. Although I don’t know much about the craftsmanship, as someone who has drank countless brands of purified water for future generations, I can at least point out a path that they can learn from.


Water Plant and participated in the entire process of developing new products. Although I don’t know much about the craftsmanship, as someone who has drank countless brands of purified water for future generations, I can at least point out a path that they can learn from.
Another day when he was busy in the factory, Wen Liang received a call from Fan Bo and immediately called Chang Cheng to drive to Guanshan. In the office building of Bencao Ruolan’s factory, Wen Liang met Meng Fan who had come from the capital. Meng Fan said excitedly: “Mr. Wen, we have already contacted Ke Shouliang. They are very interested. We will be there in the next two days.” Come to Guanshan for negotiation. If nothing else happens, I estimate that I am 100% sure that we can conclude this business.”
/Wen Liang said with a smile: “This is not a business, it is our Materia Medica Ruolan’s support for the national cultural cause.”
“That’s right, Mr. Wen What I’m saying is that my level is still a little too low!”
Fan Bo glared at him and said, “Just leave the flattery to me. You kid, do your job well and don’t just think about taking my job! ”
Mr. Fan, how dare I?”
The two of them started working together in Biluochun, and then joined forces to make the Phoenix Bird the best. They have a close relationship with each other, and they are both teachers and friends. There is no harm in making some jokes. Wen Liang shook his head with a smile, looked at the sky outside, and said, “It’s getting dark, let’s find a place to have dinner. Teacher Fan is treating you today, and Meng Fan and I are going to give you a good meal.”
“I’ll start with that.” Look at the wallet.”
Meng Fan snatched it away, took out all the money, counted it, and said, “Two thousand one hundred and fifty, Mr. Wen, is that enough?”
Fan Bo said with a grimace, “That’s enough, that’s enough.” ! If it’s not enough, I’ll have to borrow money from other people in the company.”
Wen Liang laughed loudly and said, “Teacher Fan, you are a successful person after all. Are you still so petty?”
“I’m used to it, I’m used to it.”
Fan Bo is now in charge of the overall situation of Materia Medica Ruolan in Guanshan, and the people he interacts with are all high-ranking government officials and business celebrities. After Meng Fan took over Phoenix Bird, he managed the capital as well as Fan Bo did during his time. Both of them are tempered and experienced people. One is usually steady and dignified, the other is cold and decisive. If anyone sees their appearance in front of Wen Liang, they will definitely be shocked.
When the three of them were preparing to go out, Wen Liang received a call from an unexpected person. It was Bai Huan, whom he hadn’t seen for a long time. Wen Liang had a bad feeling in his heart. With a wave of his hand, Fan Bo and Meng Fan looked at each other and respectfully left without saying a word, closing the office door.
“Brother Bai, are you okay?”
Bai Huan’s voice sounded a little nervous. This guy is also a veteran yamen in Qingzhou. He has

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