

The two of them finished the drink, and Mu Zechen got down to business: “Mayor, you just heard Director Liu say that Li Shengli from Qinghe really bullied people, and it was already our fault to sell him Kuaisheng Mattel It’s a huge concession, but his appetite is also a bit too big. The price of one million is simply taking it by force and is unreasonable. You also have feelings for Kuaiduo, and you can’t watch being robbed like this. Let’s go.”
Feng Wenxue remained silent for a while, then said: “Ze Chen, I don’t know much about business, but in business, it’s always about getting what everyone needs. Li Shengli’s willingness to offer a price is better than not offering a price.” Well, they have come to this point quickly and easily. Their own reasons are huge, and they can’t blame others for adding insult to injury. The most important thing now is to try to minimize the impact of this matter and deal with it as soon as possible. Don’t delay it for too long. Okay!”

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